繁重的英文 繁重用英語怎麼說?
heavy adj.沉重;密度大的;濃厚的;超過一般的;沉重的;重體力的;繁重的;重重的;沉甸甸的;重型的
strenuous adj.費勁的;費力的
toilsome adj.辛苦的;勞累的
onerous adj.繁重的;費力的;困難的;義務沉重的
常用 權威
1. 公務繁重
be overburdened with official duties
2. 繁重的勞動
back-breaking physical labour
3. 繁重的體力勞動
strenuous manual labour
1. 它是為了執行繁重的建築任務而建立的。
It is created to carry out the heavy building tasks.
2. 他發現自己的職責越來越繁重了。
He found his duties increasingly onerous.
3. 過於繁重的工作壓力弄垮了他的身體。
His health broke down under the strain of overwork.
4. 繁重工作所確定的生活節奏。
The tempo of life dictated by a heavy workload.
5. 挖那粘土是一件艱苦繁重的工作。
Digging that clay soil is back-breaking work.
6. 人亦不貪不富了,二者皆太繁重。
One no longer becomes poor or rich; both are too burdensome.
7. 我被繁重的工作折磨得筋疲力盡。
Eg. I'm worn out by the hard work.
8. 這種繁重的工作開始影響他的健康。
This hard work is beginning to tell on him
9. 繁重的工作量迫使我取消打高爾夫.
The heavy workload forced me to cancel playing golf.
10. 那件繁重的工作會消耗你的精力?。
That heavy work will tax your strength.
形詞 heavy; strenuous; toilsome; onerous
1. 繁重的體力勞動
strenuous manual labour
2. 任務繁重
arduous/heavy/onerous task
3. 工作繁重
heavy/strenuous work