行列式的英文 行列式用英語怎麼說?
determinant n.決定性因素;行列式;方陣;決定因素;因子;決定簇;決定子
1. 業務預報雲方案的雅可比行列式。
Jacobians of an Operational Prognostic Cloud Scheme.
2. 對行列式符號的使用完全反常。
See, that is really a completely perverted use of a determinant notation.
3. 行列式和外積. 尚末指定的作業.
The determinant and the cross product. Assignment tba.
4. 利用矩陣的特徵值解決行列式的問題。
Using matrix characteristic value to solve determinant question.
5. 如果一個矩陣的行列式不等於零,他…
If the determinant of a matrix is not equal to zero, he …
6. 線性形式的係數行列式
Determinant of the coefficients of a linear form
7. 減去下一個行列式乘。
Z If not then I made a mistake. Minus the next determinant times z.
8. 介紹了幾個利用分塊矩陣求高階行列式的方法.
In this paper, several methods of calculating the higher order determinants by partitioned matrix are introduced.
9. 對角線矩陣的行列式值是其對角線元素的連積。
The determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the entries on its main diagonal.
10. 進一步得到了廣義迴圈矩陣的行列式的計算公式.
A computational formula for determinant of generalized circulant matrices is put forward.
行列式(determinant)在數學中,是一個函式,其定義域為det的矩陣A,取值為一個標量,寫作det(A)或 |A|。 行列式可以看做是有向面積或體積的概念在一般的歐幾里得空間中的推廣。