發愁的英文 發愁用英語怎麼說?
worry (about); be anxious (about); get worried (about)
常用 權威
1. 終天發愁
feel worried all day long
1. 《花錢帶來幸福感》的讀者顯然是特權階層,他們渴望得到滿足,而不是為飢餓發愁。
Readers of Happy Money are clearly a privileged lot, anxious about fulfilment, not hunger.
2. 她在為兒子的不求上進而發愁。
She is getting worried about her son’s being shiftless.
3. 他整天樂呵呵的,沒有發愁的時候。
He is always in a happy mood free from worries.
4. 他老是發愁,人都瘦得皮包骨頭了。
He was worrying himself into a skeleton.
5. 她為日常用品的費用發愁。
She fretted about the cost of groceries.
6. 一個讓人發愁的問題。
A worrisome problem.
7. 別發愁,寶貝。
Don't fret, there's a love.
8. 叫散,富裕中農高興,貧農發愁.
Dissolution gladdened the well - to - do middle peasants but saddened the poor peasants.
9. 我們已認定發愁是沒用的,丁尼。
We've decided that it's no use to worry, Dinny.
10. 她的病情已成了我發愁的心事了。
Her illness has long been a very anxious business to me.
動詞 worry (about); be anxious (about); get worried (about)
1. 她在為兒子的不求上進而發愁。
She is getting worried about her son's being shiftless.
2. 發愁於事無補。
Fretting about it won't help.
3. 不必發愁。
There is no need for concern. / There is nothing to worry about.
4. 為生活/考試/學費發愁
worry about one's living/examination/tuition
5. 老為錢發愁
have constant money worries; worry constantly about money
6. 不為吃穿發愁
have no worries about food and clothing; be free from food and clothing worries