教導的英文 教導用英語怎麼說?
instruct v.指示;命令;吩咐;教;指導;給(人)指示;通知;告知;〈主英〉 (委託人)委託(初級律師
teach v.教;教會;教書;講授;提倡;宣揚;訓導;當教師;誘導;使明白
instruction n.指示;命令;使用說明;裝配指南;教學;教育;給初級律師(或辯護律師、陪審團)的指示;指令
guidance n.指導;指引;導向;制導
常用 權威
1. 教導隊
training unit
2. 教導團
officer-training corps (of an army)
3. 教導員
political instructor
4. 諄諄教導
earnestly and tirelessly instruct
5. 政治教導員
political instructor (of a PLA battalion)
6. 辛勤教導
diligently instruct
7. 聽從教導
follow sb's teachings
8. 遵從教導
follow the advice
9. 剴切教導
teach earnestly
10. 親切的教導
kind guidance
1. 他們的母親教導他們要樂於助人。
Their mother taught them to be helpful.
2. 他們被教導要順從和尊重成年人。
They are taught to be compliant and respectful to adults.
3. 她的父母教導她與窮困的人打交道。
Her parents taught her to symbolize with the needy.
4. 教會的教導和思維方式在文藝復興時期黯然失色。
The Church's teachings and ways of thinking were eclipsed by the Renaissance.
5. 他試圖教導人們和平對一個健康的社會是很重要的。
And he tried to teach people that peace was very important for a healthy society.
6. 但孩子們在學校經常被教導咳嗽或打噴嚏的正確方式。
But children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.
7. 他們可能沒有被教導如何與海外合作伙伴進行恰當地互動。
They may not be taught how to properly interact with overseas partners.
8. 他們會諄諄教導你要尊重文化。
They will try to inculcate you with a respect for culture.
9. 我們從小就被教導要注意細小禮節。
We were brought up to observe the niceties.
10. 騎兵被教導關心馬匹要勝過關心自己。
Rangers are taught to put their horses' comfort before their own.
教導(英文:teach、instruction),讀音為jiào dǎo,漢語詞語,指教育指導。引申為指點;指引;也指唆使;指使。例句為“書是良師,能教導我們健康成長”。 近義詞為教誨、哺育、薰陶。反義詞為陷害。相關古文有《警世通言·況太守斷死孩兒》:“支助道:‘你既不肯引我去,我教尊你一倜法兒,作成你自去上手何如?’”
動詞 instruct; teach; give guidance
1. 辛勤教導
diligently instruct
名詞 instruction; guidance
1. 牢記老師的教導
keep in mind the teacher's advice