梧桐樹的英文 梧桐樹用英語怎麼說?
a Chinese parasol tree
1. 你怎麼可以說那是他們的梧桐樹?
How can you call it their sycamore ?
2. 大街兩旁的梧桐樹已綠葉滿枝了.
The plane trees lining the main streets are already in leaf.
3. 比那高高的梧桐樹還讓我著迷.
Lovelier to see than tall plane trees.
4. 馬路兩旁是整齊的梧桐樹
The avenue is lined with neatly-spaced plane trees.
5. 許多老人和孩子,都愛在梧桐樹底下乘涼。
Many old people and children love to enjoy the cool under the plane trees.
6. 他從口袋裡掏出梧桐樹皮,放在蠟燭旁邊.
He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle.
7. 梧桐樹下的寬闊步行道是散步者和滑板一族的最愛。
The Broad Walk of tall plane trees is a favourite with walkers and the odd skate-boarder.
8. 而南堤傲岸挺拔的梧桐樹,沿湖而立,迤邐西行,直達天際。
The tall and straight plane trees on the South Bank stand along the lake, winding towards west until reaching the sky.
9. 我在記憶裡尋找一切我記得的東西,比如那充滿梧桐樹陰的街道。
I need to find all remindful things in my mind, such as the street with many phoenix trees.
10. 第二天,太陽還沒有落山,他就早早的來到梧桐樹下,激動的等他的心上人。
The next day, before the sun had set, he had already come to the phoenix tree, waiting for his lover with excitement.
梧桐樹(學名:Firmiana platanifolia Marsili),別名為中國梧桐,錦葵目梧桐科梧桐屬植物,寓意為高潔品格、忠貞愛情。 梧桐樹是落葉喬木,樹葉青綠色,平滑,葉呈心形,葉柄與葉片等長。圓錐花序頂生,花淡紫色,萼5深裂幾至基部,萼片條形,向外捲曲,外面披淡黃色短柔毛,內面僅在基部披柔毛,花期6月。喜光喜鹼植物,適生於肥沃、溼潤的砂質壤土。原產中國,自華南至河北栽培甚廣。葉、花、根、種子入藥,有清熱解毒、去溼健脾之效。 中文歌曲《梧桐樹》是一種對故鄉的思念,對童年的回憶,對青春的回憶。