居住在的英文 居住在用英語怎麼說?
reside v.居住;位;歸;屬;存在
常用 重點詞彙
1. 因紐特人是居住在寒冷的北極地區的人。
Inuit are the people who live in cold Arctic lands.
2. 利茲居民希望居住在乾淨、有吸引力的街區。
Leeds residents want to live in clean and attractive neighbourhoods.
3. 我們很容易認識到,居住在我們附近的人之間有很大的差異。
We easily recognize that there is great variation among the individuals who live near us.
4. 在最初的結果中,居住在輔助生活的居民確實描繪了最積極的畫面。
In the initial results, assisted living residents did paint the most positive picture.
5. 他居住在波哥大市郊的一間木板房裡。
He was domiciled in a frame house in the outskirts of Bogotá.
6. 這幢大樓有一個不居住在此的兼職管理員。
The building had a non-resident, part-time caretaker.
7. 一些吉卜賽人的部落仍然居住在這些山洞裡。
Groups of gypsies still dwell in these caves.
8. 在城裡工作的人們實際上居住在鄰近的鎮上。
People who work in the city actually reside in neighbouring towns.
9. 我居住在花園城市,近月亮街道。
I live in Garden City, Near Moon Street.
10. 37%的受試者居住在海灣地區.
One hundred thirty - seven of the trial participants live in the Bay Area.
dwell at; reside