擾亂的英文 擾亂用英語怎麼說?
harass v.騷擾;侵擾;困擾;不斷襲擊;屢次侵擾;疲憊的;有倦容的
disturb v.擾亂;打擾;破壞;騷擾;弄醒;妨礙…休息;使擔心
create confusion 造成混亂;造成騷亂
upset v.使心煩意亂;使失望;使苦惱;弄翻;打翻;鐓鍛;鐓粗;打亂;擾亂;使(腸胃)不適
disrupt v.擾亂;打斷;徹底改變…的結構;使…的結構破裂
常用 權威
1. 擾亂思路
interrupt sb's train of thought
2. 擾亂罪
offence of disturbing social order
3. 擾亂戰術
hit-and-run tactics; harassment tactics
4. 擾亂治安
disturb peace and order
5. 擾亂視線
interfere with sb's view;interfere with sb's view
6. 擾亂輿論
subvert public opinion
7. 擾亂工作
disturb sb's work
8. 擾亂遊戲
spoil the game
9. 擾亂社會秩序
disrupt social order
10. 擾亂公共秩序
disturb public order
11. 擾亂國家安定
upset the nation's stability
12. 擾亂社會安定
disturb social tranquility
13. 擾亂生產進度
upset the tempo of production
14. 擾亂法庭秩序罪
offence of disturbing court order
1. 他以擾亂治安罪被傳訊。
He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance.
2. 數小時的工作會擾亂家庭生活。
The hours of work are disruptive to home life.
3. 暴力擾亂了一些新年慶祝活動。
Violence marred a number of New Year celebrations.
4. 再度虧損的謠言擾亂了市場。
Rumours of a further loss shook the market.
5. 他們密謀擾亂司法程式的嫌疑被洗清了。
They were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
6. 因涉嫌擾亂治安而上法庭。
[mass noun]in court on a charge of disturbance of the peace.
7. 平靜安定的廚房裡的日子第二天被擾亂了。
The even tenor of life in the kitchen was disrupted the following day.
8. 增長的紫外線輻射可能會擾亂地球生態系統。
Increased ultraviolet radiation may disrupt terrestrial ecosystems.
9. 被擾亂的睡眠。
Disturbed sleep.
10. 他從不讓工作擾亂他的家庭生活。
He never allows work to encroach upon his family life.
【詞目】擾亂 【拼音】rǎo luàn 【英文】confusion 【基本解釋】 1、[confusion;furried]∶使混亂;慌亂。 2、[disturb;create confusion]∶騷擾;打亂。 它唱了一整天,夜晚來臨,也該休息了,但它的休息常常被擾亂。---選自人民教育出版社七年級上冊第四單元18課《綠色蟈蟈》,該文章作者為法國著名昆蟲學家法布林。 謹防敵人擾亂我們的陣線。 3、攪亂,使混亂或不安。
動詞 harass; disturb; create confusion; upset; disrupt
1. 擾亂治安
disturb the peace; disturb the public order
2. 擾亂思路
interrupt sb's train of thought
3. 擾亂視線
interfere with sb's view
4. 擾亂市場
disrupt/raid/rig the market
5. 擾亂生產進度
upset the tempo of production
6. 擾亂社會秩序
disrupt social order
7. 擾亂民心
sap public confidence; undermine the morale of the people
8. 擾亂軍心
undermine the morale of an army
9. 擾亂會場/交通
disturb the meeting/the traffic
10. 擾亂國家安定
upset the nation's stability
11. 擾亂公共秩序
disturb public order
12. 擾亂工作
disturb sb's work