衝進的英文 衝進用英語怎麼說?
lance n.長矛;噴頭;魚叉;捕鯨叉;噴氧管;氧氣切割槍;泵頭
rush v.衝;奔;(使)倉促行事;匆忙行事;突襲;招待;爭取;敲…竹槓;故意多收…的費用;向…漫天索價;趕緊;催促
1. 突然,一隻猛獁衝進來。
Suddenly, a mammoth (猛獁) rushed in.
2. 一輛卡車爆胎失控,衝進了中央隔離帶。
A lorry burst a tyre and went out of control, careering through the central reservation.
3. 他氣洶洶地衝進屋子。
He stormed into the room.
4. 他硬是衝進了屋裡。
He forced his way into the room.
5. 她一下子走開衝進了自己的房間。
She dashed off to her room.
6. 球迷衝進球場,比賽被迫終止。
Fans invaded the pitch and the match was abandoned.
7. 抗議者們蜂擁著衝進大樓。
Protesters were swarming into the building.
8. 他衝進書房,猛地關上門。
He flung away to his study, slamming the door behind him.
9. 我勸他不要衝進去,遞交辭職書。
I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.
10. 迅猛龍衝進去,希望驚散腱龍群。
The Raptors rush in initially in hopes of startling the herd.