通向的英文 通向用英語怎麼說?
lead to 導致, 把…帶到, 領到
lead v.帶領(人)前進;牽著…前進;帶領;率領;領先於;過;開始;讓;組織
give into 屈服;給予;讓步
1. 通向閣樓的樓梯
stairs to the attic
1. 快車道式的生活可以通向成功。
Living a life in the fast lane leads to success.
2. 我們的祖先的手是通向認識的大門。
Our ancestors' hands served as the gateway to the realization.
3. 把失敗看作通向成功的里程碑。
Think of failures as milestones (里程碑) towards success.
4. 每個洞都通向一根小管子,這條管子通向你的鼻子。
Each hole leads to a small tube that runs to your nose.
5. 我不知道它將要通向哪裡,但我很興奮我在追求這個目標。
I don't know where it will lead, but I'm excited I'm on this pursuit.
6. 二維碼通向一個電子書應用程式,乘客可以在上面免費閱讀電子書。
The QR code leads to an e-book app, on which the passengers can read the e-book for free.
7. 一條彎彎曲曲的羊腸小道通向山頂。
A bumpy by-way winds its way to the mountaintop.
8. 發奮工作是通向成功的階梯。
Hard work is a ladder/the stair to success.
9. 雪崩切斷了通向山村的路。
The avalanche cut off the access to the mountain village.
10. 小徑曲曲彎彎通向山頂。
The trail twists up to the top of the mountain.