幹活的英文 幹活用英語怎麼說?
work n.工作;勞動;職業;製作品;產品;工廠;活動機件;運轉機構;防禦工事;功;做功;需要的所有事物;全套事物
labour n.勞動;工黨;分娩;勞工;工人階級;勞動者;勞工階級;勞工部門
1. 幹活兒
2. 輪流幹活
do the work by turns
3. 督促工人幹活
urge the workers on
4. 在田間幹活
work in the fields
5. 一道兒幹活
work side by side
6. 可著勁兒幹活
work with all one's might
7. 用鏟子幹活兒
work with a shovel
8. 幹活有股子猛勁兒
work with vim and vigour
9. 在炎日下幹活
work in the scotching sun
10. 分兩撥兒幹活
work in two groups
11. 不分白天黑夜地幹活
work day and night
1. 我曾是一個鄰村農民僱來幹活的一群男孩中的一員。
I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field.
2. 在種植和收穫季節,人們可以看到他們蓄著鬍鬚的男人在田裡幹活。
In planting and harvest time one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses.
3. 別再耍貧嘴了,咱們開始幹活吧。
No more of your glib talk. Let’s begin our work.
4. 這些小夥子幹活兒一個賽過一個。
These young men are equally competent in their work.
5. 他剛起來就忙著下地幹活兒去了。
He went to work in the fields as soon as he got up.
6. 他都累到這份兒上還在幹活兒。
He went on working though he was so tired.
7. 別泡蘑菇了,快點兒幹活兒吧。
Stop dawdling and get down to work.
8. 沒日沒夜地幹活對身體沒好處。
Working round the clock does no good to your health.
9. 第二天天剛矇矇亮,我們就開始幹活。
The next day, as soon as a faint light appeared in the sky, we started to work.
10. 在太陽底下幹活兒容易口渴。
Working under the sun is dry/thirsty work.
幹活(英文:work),讀音gàn huó,漢語詞語,指的是做工作;從事勞動。例句有“他臨時僱傭了幾個民工幫忙幹活”。 相關句子有“你聽聽,街坊四鄰全乾活兒,就是你沒有正經事兒。”出自老舍《龍鬚溝》第一幕,相關近義詞有勞動、做事、幹事,反義詞有歇息。