連褲襪的英文 連褲襪用英語怎麼說?
tights pl-n.緊身褲襪;緊身衣
panty hose 連褲襪;褲襪;長筒襪
常用 權威
1. 選擇顏色更加自然的連褲襪。
Ditch the pantyhose for a more natural look.
2. 啊,糟了,我的連褲襪上有一處抽絲/一個洞。
Oh no, I've got a ladder/hole in my tights.
3. 如果你是女性,你會穿連褲襪去參加商務會議。
You would use pantyhose for going to a business meeting if you were a woman.
4. 我穿了保暖連褲襪。
I'm wearing tights under my pants.
5. 我穿上裙子和襯衫,開啟梳妝檯最上邊的抽屜拿出連褲襪。
I put on the skirt and blouse and open the top dresser drawer to get some pantyhose.
6. 小常識:20世紀60年代迷你裙流行起來後,連褲襪也隨之風靡。
Fact: Pantyhose became popular in the 1960s, as a result of the invention of the miniskirt.
7. 女士們是否需要在工作面談中穿上連褲襪的問題在網站中引發了劇烈的討論,然後答案絕對以及肯定是要穿的。
The question of whether women should wear pantyhose on a job interview creates a lot of discussion on this site and the answer was overwhelmingly yes.
8. 如Paget示範的穿法,格紋短褲配低調上衣會打造最佳效果。天氣較冷的時候可在短褲內穿條連褲襪保暖。
Pair plaid shorts with a low-key top, as Paget does here, for the best effect. Layer tights underneath shorts for the chilly months.
9. 記得穿襪子或是連褲襪來搭配短裙或連衣裙。選擇淺色珠寶和一個簡單的包包來搭配你的著裝,讓你看上去有品位。
Remember dress socks or pantyhose (with skirts or dresses) and tastefully accessorize with light jewelry and a simple purse.
連褲襪又稱緊身襪、連襪褲,是緊包從腰部到腳部軀體的服裝,多為女性所穿著,部分為男性穿著。 連褲襪同長襪一樣,質料很多,有棉質、尼龍、羊毛混紡等。連褲襪出現在1960年代併成為長襪的另一種可選下身服裝形式。 設計供女性穿著的連褲襪一般有被定位成用以展現女性雙腳線條秀麗感,這是設計供男性穿著的連褲襪所一般沒有的。
名詞 tights; panty hose