綠化的英文 綠化用英語怎麼說?
green adj.綠色的;被綠色植物覆蓋的;幼嫩的;未熟的;臉色發青的;有病容的;關注環境的;幼稚的;用新鮮綠色蔬菜製成的;(訊號燈
afforest v.在…上造林;劃(林地)為狩獵林區
常用 權威
1. 綠化荒山
clothe barren mountains with greenery
2. 綠化面積
green area
3. 庭院綠化
courtyard greening;courtyard greening
4. 立體綠化
vertical greening
5. 綠化工程
landscape engineering
6. 綠化沙漠
green a desert
7. 屋頂綠化
roof greening; rooftop landscaping
8. 綠化地帶
green belt (of a city);green belt
9. 陽臺綠化
balcony greening
10. 綠化祖國
make the country green
11. 園林綠化
12. 跨世紀綠化工程
cross-century green project
1. 西部的綠化並不是每個人都喜歡。
The greening of the West does not delight everyone.
2. 綠化對我們有好處。
Greenery is good for us.
3. 在過去的十年裡,中國為土地綠化付出了巨大的努力。
Over the last ten years, China has made great efforts to green the land.
4. 後來,在希爾的呼籲之下,國家公園和綠化帶得以建成。
Hill's pressure later led to the creation of national parks and green belts.
5. 綠化荒山、治理環境並非是急功近利的事情。
Greening barren hills and improving the environment are not things that will bring quick successes and instant benefits.
6. 他們正在綠化中國半乾旱的黃河三角洲。
They were greening China's semi-arid Yellow River delta.
7. 關於重慶城市園林綠化形象建設。
Chongqing city identity building about virescence and gardening.
8. 冷季型草種廣泛應用於城市綠化.
The low temperature grasses are widely used in city greening.
9. 當時, 全縣已經實現綠化達標.
At that time, entire county has realized afforest to amount to mark.
10. 基礎設施、林綠化、套設施建設。
Infrastructure construction, afforestation, facility coordination.
綠化(lǜ huà)是指使…變為綠色,廣泛種植花草樹木,使環境優美衛生,防止水土流失;種植樹木花草。綠化可改善環境衛生並在維持生態平衡方面起多種作用。綠化苗木產地有浙江、安徽、 山東、江蘇長景園林、河北、河南、陝西等地。
動詞 green; afforest
1. 庭院綠化
courtyard greening
2. 綠化面積
green area
3. 綠化工程
landscape engineering
4. 綠化祖國
make the country green
5. 綠化沙漠
green a desert
6. 綠化荒山
afforest barren hills; plant trees on barren hills
7. 綠化城市
green a city; make a city green by planting trees in and around the city