很明顯的英文 很明顯用英語怎麼說?
apparently adv.看來;顯然;似乎
obviously adv.明顯地;顯然;顯而易見;不言而喻
clearly adv.清晰地;明白地;明顯地;無疑地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 很明顯,當你在創作藝術的時候。
When you're doing it to create art, obviously.
2. 很明顯,唐設法讓車動起來。
Obviously Don had somehow made the vehicle move.
3. 花落誰家已經很
It was obvious who would win.
4. 自然科學中的這種趨勢在社會科學中也很明顯。
This tendency in the natural sciences has long been evident in the social sciences too.
5. 那麼很明顯,生物發展和文化發展是緊密相連的。
It is then clear that biological development and cultural development are closely tied.
6. 很明顯,海瑟接受了將布魯克·萊恩作為她的筆名。
It's clear that Hazel accepted Brooke Lane as her pen name.
7. 很明顯,現實世界中的社交名流與更大的幸福感相關。
It became clear that the real-world socialite component correlated with greater wellbeing.
8. 很明顯,它的目的是透過玩耍來形成孩子的身份認同。
It clearly aims to form children's identity through play.
9. 人們會尋求滿足他們的好奇心,即使很明顯答案會很痛苦。
People will seek to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will hurt.
10. 交易就是交易——很明顯,除非涉及到Entergy公司。
A deal is a deal—except, apparently, when Entergy is involved.
apparently; obviously; clearly