一般而言的英文 一般而言用英語怎麼說?
generally speaking 一般來說;一般而言;一般說來
常用 重點詞彙
1. 一般而言,往往會觸發負面情緒。
In general, that's going to generate negative emotions.
2. 嗯,一般而言答案是眾所周知的。
Well, for the most part the answers are common sense.
3. 一般而言,女士都喜歡時髦的衣服。
Ladies in general fancy fashionable clothes.
4. 一般而言,歌迷們不喜歡歌手假唱。
Generally, fans don't like it when artists lip synch.
5. 一般而言, 牙齒美白很安全。
Generally, tooth whitening is safe.
6. 一般而言,表達應當簡明扼要。
In general, the presentation must be to-the-point and concise.
7. 一般而言,執紅色棋子的一方先走子。
Generally speaking, the player with the red pieces moves first.
8. 一般而言,總體上手機市場已經飽和。
In general, the handset market overall is saturated.
9. 一般而言,年輕人比老年人較少保守。
Generally speaking, the young are less conservative than the old.
10. 一般而言,合同往往不過是口頭協議。
In general , the contracts are often no more than verbal agreements.
generally speaking