海港的英文 海港用英語怎麼說?
seaport n.海港;港口城市
harbour n.海港;安全港灣;避難所
常用 權威
1. 封鎖海港
blockade a harbour
2. 海港裝置
harbour equipment
3. 沿海港口
coastal port;maritime/coastal port; coastal harbour
4. 在海港停靠
call at a harbour
5. 在上海港上岸
land at the Shanghai port
1. 就這樣,大量鐵礦石透過自動列車運輸到海港
Vast quantities of iron ore are then transported by autonomous trains to ocean ports.
2. 各國船隻經常在該海港停泊。
The port gets frequent calls of vessels from different countries.
3. 燈光引導油輪返回海港。
The light guided oil tankers back to the harbour.
4. 這艘船錨泊在上海港內。
The ship lies at anchor in Shanghai.
5. 這地方從一個小漁村變成了一座繁忙的海港城市。
This place has turned from a small fishing village into a bustling port city.
6. 我有一個在海港幹體力活的鄰居.
I have a neighbour who does physical labour in a harbour.
7. 菲律賓宿務島上的一個重要海港。
An important seaport on the Island of Cebu in the Philippines.
8. 您喜歡能看到海港景色的座位嗎?
Would you like a seat with a harbor view?
9. 這一海港曾經有繁盛的海外貿易.
This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.
10. 兩船相撞之後都掙扎著駛進海港。
After the collision both vessels managed to limp into harbour.
《海港》是由謝鐵驪、謝晉等執導,李麗芳、趙文奎、朱文虎等主演的戲曲電影,於1972年上映。 該片講述了裝卸隊黨支部書記方海珍(李麗芳 飾)發現散包事故,大家在她的領導下連夜翻倉,迫使錢守維露出了破綻的故事。
名詞 seaport; coastal port; harbour
1. 海港裝置
harbour equipment
2. 在海港停靠
call at a harbour
3. 封鎖海港
blockade a harbour