集結的英文 集結用英語怎麼說?
concentrate v.全神貫注;全力以赴;聚精會神;集中;聚集;濃縮;注重;集合
rally v.重新集合;重整;重整旗鼓;參加汽車拉力賽;對…善意打趣;嘲笑;挖苦;集合
mass n.團;塊;堆;大多數;主要部分;質量;(Mass)彌撒
group n.組;群;類;團體;集體;流行樂團;集團;集團公司;空軍大隊;群像
build up 逐步建立, 增進
常用 權威
1. 集結待命
assemble and await orders
2. 集結軍隊
muster an army; mass troops
3. 集結部隊
mass troops; concentrate an army
4. 集結地域
assembly area
1. 他們的軍隊集結在邊境上。
Their armies were massing/grouping on the frontier.
2. 據悉敵軍正在集結。
A build-up of enemy forces is reported.
3. 來自西班牙各地計程車兵正在集結。
The soldiers were amassing from all parts of Spain.
4. 軍隊在西線集結。
Troops were concentrating at the western front.
5. 轟炸機集結在一起,準備再次展現歷史性的首次空襲。
Bombers were gathered together to re-enact the historic first air attack.
6. 兩國都開始在該地區集結部隊
[with obj.]both countries began massing troops in the region
7. 有報導說這軍隊在邊界附近集結.
There are report of the troops amassing near the border.
8. 整整一年來我們一直在集結隊伍。
It's actually quite surreal after a whole year, trying to put the expedition together.
9. 部隊集結的整體速度將大大提高.
The overall speed of force closure would improve greatly.
10. 士兵集結在城鎮外圍準備發動功擊。
The soldiers concentrated outside the town for the attack.
動詞 concentrate; rally; mass; group; build up
1. 他們的軍隊集結在邊境上。
Their armies were massing/grouping on the frontier.
2. 據悉敵軍正在集結。
A build-up of enemy forces is reported.
3. 集結待命
assemble and await orders
4. 集結力量
build up/gather strength
5. 集結兵力
concentrate troops/forces; muster troops/forces