鑰匙圈的英文 鑰匙圈用英語怎麼說?
key ring n.鑰匙圈
1. 我丟了我的鑰匙圈與一個新的證書?
Will I lost my Keychain with a new certificate?
2. 可以放幾把鑰匙的鑰匙圈增加給鐵匠。
Plans for keyrings that hold multiple keys have been added to Blacksmithing.
3. 鑰匙圈是用於攜帶鑰匙的.
A key ring is for carrying keys on.
4. 我想要一個新的鑰匙圈。
I want a new key ring.
5. 這兒有一個鑰匙圈給你。
Here is a key ring for you .
6. 她把汽車鑰匙掛在一個誇張的金鑰匙圈上.
She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring.
7. 你有多少個鑰匙圈?
How many key rings do you have?
8. 這個小鑰匙圈小工具,就像你自己的個人空間猴子。
This small keyring gadget is like your own personal space monkey.
9. 一條項鍊, 耳環, 鑰匙圈,刺青都可以帶給你幸運的.
A necklace, pendant, key chain or tattoo promises the same good fortune of the ancients.
10. 彤為拾回鑰匙圈而被車撞死,芬痛不欲生。 (天涯俠醫)
Tung is killed by a car when she tries to pick up a key ring lying by the road side.
鑰匙扣,又稱鎖匙扣,鑰匙圈,鑰匙鏈,鑰匙掛等。製作鑰匙扣的材料一般為金屬、皮革、塑膠、橡膠、木頭等。此物精緻小巧、造型千變萬化是人們隨身攜帶的日常用品。鑰匙扣是掛在鑰匙圈上的一種裝飾物品。 鑰匙扣造型繁多,比如卡通造型、品牌造型、模擬模型等等,材質一般如銅質、鋁製、橡膠制、塑膠制等等,主要是鋅合金表面鍍鎳或者銠等防鏽元素。鑰匙扣已經成為一種饋贈小禮品。