略的英文 略用英語怎麼說?
capture v.佔有;控制;準確記錄;俘獲;吃;永久俘獲;襲奪;使…保存於電腦中
seize v.捉住;抓住;咬住;卡住;依法佔有;纏扎;捆綁;奪取;沒收;掌握
plunder v.搶劫;掠奪;劫掠;取用;侵吞;侵佔;剽竊;竊取
omit v.省略;刪除;排除;忽略;遺漏
delete v.刪除;劃掉;使(基因碼段)缺失
leave out 忽略, 不考慮;漏掉, 遺漏
plan n.計劃;規劃;意圖;打算;詳細圖表;繪圖;方案;平面圖;示意圖
scheme n.計劃;規劃;方案;系統;陰謀;詭計;組合
strategy n.戰略;戰略部署;戰略學
summary n.總結;概要;摘要
outline n.輪廓畫;略圖;草圖;提綱;大綱;輪廓;概要;外形;要點;速記形式
brief account 概況;概述
brief adj.短暫的;短時間的;簡潔的;簡明的;短的;短而暴露的
sketchy adj.大致的;概要的;粗略的;素描似的
slightly adv.稍微地;些許地;纖弱地;瘦小地
somewhat adv.稍微;有點
a little 一點, 少許, 稍微
常用 權威
1. 略陳管見
briefly state my humble opinion
1. 地球的兩極略呈扁平形。
The earth is slightly flattened at the poles.
2. 陝西省略稱為陝。
Shaanxi Province is called Shaan for short.
3. 間種作物應當在略事耕作後下種。
Catch crops should be sown after minimal cultivation.
4. 白棋略(絕對)佔優(佔上風)。
White (Black) is slightly (absolutely ) better (in the upper hand).
5. 舊制電流單位(略小於一安培).
A unit of electric current equal to one an ampere.
6. 他獨在異鄉, 心中略有些悽惘.
Living alone in a strange land, he feels anxious and lost sometimes.
7. 上半場義大利隊看起來略佔上風。
By half time, the Italian soccer team seemed to have the upper hand.
8. 口吻的長度略小於腦袋的長度。
The length of the muzzle is slightly less than the length of the skull.
9. 這比前10年的平均增長速度略快.
That is somewhat faster than the average during the previous decade.
10. 性質黃綠色無味無毒,略油性。
Properties Yellow green powders , inodorous, atoxic, somewhat oily.
動詞 capture; seize; plunder
名詞 plan; scheme; strategy
名詞 summary; outline; brief account
形詞 brief; sketchy
動詞 omit; delete; leave out
副詞 slightly; somewhat; a little