欺騙性的英文 欺騙性用英語怎麼說?
duplicity n.奸詐;欺騙;兩面派行為;表裡不一;兩重性;雙重性
1. 這個故事充滿了誤解和欺騙性。
The story is full of misconception and deceptiveness.
2. 在上流社會外表通常都具有欺騙性
On the upper east side, appearances are often deceiving.
3. 所以他給出了一個欺騙性的例子。
So he gives this example of abusive of words.
4. 不要依靠外表,它具有欺騙性。
Do not rely on one's appearance, it can deceive.
5. 其他對沖基金交易更顯欺騙性。
Other hedge funds are placing even more oblique bets.
6. 數字在許多時候都具有欺騙性。
Numbers could be cheating in most occasions.
7. 這就是為什麼,貪婪是有欺騙性的。
And that is why covetousness is deceptive.
8. 狡猾或欺騙性的行動或策略。
A cunning or deceitful action or device.
9. 外表或許具有欺騙性,不過仍很重要。
Looks can be deceiving, but they still matter.
10. 醫生警戒女性應拒絕欺騙性醫學檢查!
Doctors alarmed as women refused to be scammed by useless medical tests!