細水長流的英文 細水長流用英語怎麼說?
economize (resources) to avoid running short; be economical; stint (on) in order to ensure longer use; do sth gradually but perseveringly
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 學習不能突擊,應該細水長流,日積月累才行。
You can’t expect to master everything within a short period through a burst of effort. Instead, you’ve got to persist in your efforts.
2. 用錢要細水長流。
Stint on money, or it may run short.
3. 水流雲在意為細水長流,浮雲永在。
Sui Liu Yun(Flowing Water &Cloud) was built in 1708.
4. 那是因為我只想與你看我們細水長流。
That is because I want to see us with you water out.
5. 一個人的浮世清歡,一個人的細水長流。
One float world QingHuan, break a person.
6. 請讓我體會一次細水長流。
Let me understand once small streams.
7. 細水長流,有多少溫暖的故事隨之遙遠。
Steady, the number of distant warmth followed the story.
8. 她還說其實自己想談一場細水長流的愛情。
She also said that as a matter of fact, Id like to field to do little by little without love.
9. 是波濤洶湧的瞬間, 還是細水長流的永恆?
Is a rough moment, a steady or permanent?
10. 願我伴你細水長流。
May I accompany you long.
細水長流是漢語成語,褒義詞,釋義是水流很小,但流的時間長。指節約使用,可保持長久不短缺。比喻力量雖不大,但能堅持不懈。例句有“其實,不做作,流於自然的愛情才是細水長流的”。 該成語出自清朝翟灝(hào)《通俗編·地理》引《教經》“汝等常勤精進,譬如小水常流,則能穿石”。主謂式結構,作謂語、定語、分句。 相關句子有“張嘉慶告訴老王說,要多吃野菜樹皮,少吃米麵,細水長流呀!”出自梁斌《紅旗譜》四六。近義詞有持之以恆、精打細算,反義詞有大手大腳、虎頭蛇尾。
null詞 economize (resources) to avoid running short; be economical; stint (on) in order to ensure longer use
1. 用錢要細水長流。
Stint on money, or it may run short.
null詞 do sth gradually but perseveringly
1. 學習不能突擊,應該細水長流,日積月累才行。
You can't expect to master everything within a short period through a burst of effort. Instead, you've got to persist in your efforts.
economize (resources) to avoid running short; be economical; stint (on) in order to ensure longer use; do sth gradually but perseveringly