通訊工具的英文 通訊工具用英語怎麼說?
means of communication
常用 重點詞彙
1. 眾所周知?電話是一種有用的通訊工具。
C?Don't mention it D?By no means.
2. 我不再上任何通訊工具了。
I do not use any on-line communication tools.
3. 會場內禁止吸菸,請關閉手機等通訊工具。
There is non-smoking in conference hall, and please switch the cell phone or other communication.
4. 公司製造工程科為通訊工具資產管理單位。
Manufacture engineering section is in charge of the assets of communication tools.
5. 強迫自己在該睡覺的時候關掉手持通訊工具。
Force yourself to turn your handheld devices off at bedtime.
6. 連線頭“ ,把網際網路和手機看成是通訊工具。
\Connectors, \ who see the Internet and cell phones as communications tools.
7. 資訊素可以被看作是螞蟻系統中的資訊傳播或通訊工具.
Pheromones can be thought of as information broadcasted or communicated within the ant system.
8. 伊軍得到了美國人提供的通訊工具,這樣他們就可以避開美軍。
The Iraqis were given mobile phones by the Americans so that they know when to get out of the way of the US Army.
9. 電視以及其它一些通訊工具幫助我們不斷地知道當地發生的事情。
Television, along with other means of communication, helps us to keep informed about contemporary affairs.
10. 相反,他們需要不斷相互配合,主要是透過及時通訊工具聯絡(簡稱IM)。
Rather, they constantly interact with each other, mostly by instant message (IM).
means of communication