一連串的英文 一連串用英語怎麼說?
a succession/series/string/chain of
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 一連串挫折
a series of frustrations
2. 一連串醜聞
a rash of scandals
3. 一連串事故
a string of accidents
4. 一連串抗議
a trail of protests
5. 一連串爆炸
a series of explosions
6. 一連串的電話
a barrage of phone calls
7. 一連串的想法
a train of thoughts
1. 一連串的軍事失敗削弱了侵略者。
A succession of military defeats weakened the aggressor.
2. 一連串的災禍來得那麼迅速而又猛烈。
A succession of disasters came on him so swiftly and with such unexpected violence.
3. 她嘆息著,知道他的一生將有一連串的傷心。
She sighed, knowing that his life was to be a
4. 生命是一連串的時刻。 每個人的生活是成功的。
Life is a succession of moments. to live each one is to succeed.
5. 發出回聲,迴響:以或好象以一連串回聲而共鳴;再回響。
To resound in or as if in a succession of echoes; reecho.
6. 人生是一連串教訓,經歷了才會理解。 — 愛默生。
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
7. 說穿了,人生是充滿著一連串的課程,不經一事不長一智。
Life, after all, is a succession of lessons which are meant to be lived to be understood.
8. 一連串的特異的汽車在未來40年之後,最後在1958年的45EX。
A succession of EX cars followed over the next 40years, culminating in the 45EX of 1958.
9. 這一方法使用一連串線索來逐漸減少排除選項,直到最後只剩下一個選項。
This uses a succession of cues to whittle away the alternatives until only one remains.
10. 我到處問詢,無人理我。我或是來回尋找,走入一連串的死衚衕,
I ask after him everywhere, but nobody pays any attention to me. Sometimes I search for him everywhere but end up in a succession of alleys, all with dead ends.
形詞 a succession/series/string/chain of
1. 一連串的想法湧上他的心頭。
A chain of thoughts urged themselves upon him.
2. 引起一連串恐怖活動
trigger a spate of terrorist activities
3. 勾起對往事一連串的回憶
bring/call up a memory of historical events
4. 一連串的想法
a train of thoughts
5. 一連串的災禍/誤會/意外事故
a succession of disasters/misunderstandings/accidents
6. 一連串事故
a string of accidents
7. 一連串勝利
a series of victories; a run of successes
8. 一連串抗議
a trail of protests
9. 一連串謊言
a string/pack/stream of lies
10. 一連串挫折
a series of frustrations
11. 一連串醜聞
a rash of scandals
12. 一連串不幸
a series/sequence of misfortunes; a long run of bad luck
13. 一連串爆炸
a series of explosions
a succession/series/string/chain of