抵制誘惑的英文 抵制誘惑用英語怎麼說?
reject temptation
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我學會了去抵制誘惑。
I learned to resist temptations.
2. 一些人似乎很容易抵制誘惑,而其他人可能總是容易自我滿足。
Some people seem to find it easy to resist temptation while others can be relied on to always yield to self-gratification.
3. 好習慣都源於抵制誘惑
Good habits result from resisting temptation
4. 如果你抵制誘惑,你的性格就會堅強起來.
Push against temptation and you get muscle in your character.
5. 儘管如此,我們中的一些人能成功抵制誘惑而剩下的人一次又一次的屈服於誘惑。
However, some of us manage to resist those temptations while others succumb to them time after time.
6. 小範圍裡實現自給自足的途徑是抵制誘惑,不去購置拖拉機和其他昂貴的節省勞力的機械。
The way to make self-sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices.
7. 小範圍裡實現自給自足的途徑是抵制誘惑,不去購置拖拉機和其他昂貴的節省勞力的機械。
The way to make self - sufficiency work on a small scale is to resist the temptation to buy a tractor and other expensive laborsaving devices.
8. 目前,多數供貨商看上去還在抵制誘惑,但他們可能漸漸動搖立場.
For the moment, most suppliers appear to be resisting the temptation, but their resolve may gradually erode.
9. 當你能抵制誘惑時,你的處境可以更好。
Do you feel that you could be in a better position if you resisted some of those temptations?
10. 下面為大家介紹5種方法,以便更好與自己做連結,抵制誘惑。
Here are five things you can do to bring you more connection and less cravings to your workday.
reject temptation