
General 更新 2025-03-03









[英] [trɔmˈbəʊn, trəm-, ˈtrɔmˌbəʊn] [美] [trɑmˈbon, trəm-, ˈtrɑm&#駭16;bon]

長號, 伸縮喇叭


A New Day Has Come

A new day has come

A new day has come

I was waiting for so long

for a miracle to come

Everyone told me to be strong

hold on and don't shed a tear

Through the darkness and good times

I knew I'd make it through

And the world thought i had it all

but I was waiting for you

Hush love

I see a light in the sky

Oh it's almost blinding me

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears

Let it fill my soul and drown my fears

Let it shatter the wall for a new son

A new day has come

A new day has come

Where it was dark now there's light

Where there was pain now there's joy

Where there was weakness I've found my strength

Oh in the eyes of a boy

Hush love

I see a light in the sky

Oh it's almost blinding me

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears

Let it fill my soul and drown my fears

Let it shatter the wall for a new son

A new day has come

A new day has come

Let the rain come down and wash away my tears

Let it fill my soul and drown my fear

Let it shatter the wall for a new son

A new day has come

Oooh a light

Hush now

I see a light in your eyes

Oh in the eyes of a boy

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love


Hush now

Hush now...


My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. There are three tall buildings in our school. They all have five floors. In the teaching building, the P.E.room is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor. The science rooms are on the third floor. The computer rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. The music rooms are on the third floor and the fourth floor. My class room is on the fifth floor. I am in Class9, Grade 6. There are five gardens in our school. In the gardens there are many beautiful flowers, grass and trees. There is a big playground in my school.I like my school, because my school is very beautiful.


nothing's gonna change my love for you


一、Woodwinds: 木管樂器

1.Piccolo 短笛

2.Flute 長笛

3.Soprano Recorder 高音豎笛

4.Oboe 雙簧管

5.English Horn 英國管

6.Bassoon 大管

7.Contrabassoon 低音巴鬆

8.Clarinet in Eb 降E調單簧管(小黑管)

9.Clarinet in A A調單簧管

10.Clarinet in Bb 降B調單簧管

11.Bass Clarinet 低音單簧管

12.Soprano Saxophone 高音薩克斯

13.ALto Saxophone 中音薩克斯

14.Tenor Saxophone 次中音薩克斯

15.Baritone Saxophone 上低音薩克斯

16.Alto Flute 中音長笛*

17.Bass Flute 低音長笛

18.Oboe d' Amore 雙簧管的一種

19.Piccolo Clarinet 高音單簧管*

20.Alto Clarinet 中音單簧管(Eb調的,屬於低音單簧管)

21.Contrabass Clarinet 倍低音單簧管

22.Descant Recorder 高音豎笛

23.Alto Recorder 中音豎笛

24.Tenor Recorder 次中音豎笛

25.Bass Recorder 低音豎笛

26.Bagpipes 風笛

27.Basset Horn 巴賽管(單簧管)

28.Panpipes 排蕭

二、Brass: 銅管樂器

1.Cornet 短號

2.Trumpet in Bb 降B調小號

3.Trumpet in C C調小號

4.Flugelhorn 夫呂號(行進樂隊常用)

5.Horn in F F調圓號

6.Trombone 長號

7.Tenor Trombone 次中音長號

8.Bass Tromone 低音長號

9.Baritone(T.C.) 次中音號

10.Baritone 次中音

11.Euphonium 小低音號

12.Tuba 大號

13.Bass Tuba 低音大號

14.Piccolo Cornet 高音短號

15.Piccolo Trumpet in A A調高音小號

16.Bass Trumpet in C C調低音小號

17.Alto Trombone 中音長號

18.Contrabass Trombone 倍低音長號

三、Pitched Percussion: 有音高打擊樂器

1.Timpani 定音鼓

2.Bells 排鍾

3.Glockenspiel 鋼片琴

4.Crystal Glasses

5.Xylophone 木琴

6.Vibraphone 顫音琴

7.Marimba 馬林巴琴

8.Bass Marimba 低音馬林巴琴

9.Tubular Bells 管鍾

10.Chimes 鐘琴

11.Steel Drums 鋼鼓

12.Mallets 三角木琴

四、Percussion: 小打擊樂器

1.Percussion 小打擊樂器組

2.Wind Chimes





木管樂器 —— woodwind instrument

長笛 —— flute

短笛 —— piccolo

單簧管 —— clarinet

薩克斯管 —— saxophone

雙簧管 —— oboe

英國管 —— English horn

大管 —— bassoon

銅管樂器 —— brass instrument

圓號 —— French horn

小號 —— trumpet

短號 —— cornet

長號 —— trombone

大號 —— tuba

絃樂器 —— stringed instrument

小提琴 —— violin

中提琴 —— viola

大提琴 —— violoncello

低音提琴 —— double bass

豎琴 —— harp

吉他 —— guitar

鋼琴 —— piano,全稱pianoforte

定音鼓 —— timpani

木琴 —— xylophone

鐵琴 —— glockenspiel管鍾 —— tubular bells

大鼓 —— bass drum

小軍鼓 —— snare drum

鈴鼓 —— tambourine

三角鐵 —— triangle

沙槌 —— maracas

響板 —— castanet

鑼 —— gong

鈸 —— piatti

口琴 —— harmonica

風琴 —— accordion

管風琴 —— pipe organ


vibration 振動

sound 音

tone 音(樂音)

musical tone 樂音

noise 噪音

acoustics 聲學

psychoacoustics 心理聲學

frequency 頻率

intensity 強度

time 時間

wave form 波形

pitch 音高

loudness 響度

duration 時值

timbre 音色 (tone color or quality)

tuning fork 音叉

pure tone 純音

complex tone 複音 (composite tone)

overtone(s) 泛音

(aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials)

overtone series 泛音列

partial(s) 分音(partial tone)

fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial)

step 音級(scale step, degree)

accidental(s) 變音記號

sharp 升號

flat 降號

double-sharp 重升號

double-flat 重降號

nature 還原號

intonation 音準

octave 八度

range 音域(compass)

(voice) register 音區

small c 小字組c

great C 大字組C

contra C 大字二組C

unaccented octave 小字組

one-lined octave 小字一組 (one-line)

two-lined octave 小字二組 (two-line)

three –lined octave 小字三組(three-line)

four-line octave 小字四組 (four-line)

temperament 樂律

tempered scale 平均律 (equal temperament)

just intonation 純律

pitch name 音名

enharmonic notes 等音

(whole) tone 全音

half-tone 半音

natural half-tone 自然半音

natural tone 自然全音

chromatic tone 變化全音

chromatic half-tone 變化半音

notation 記譜法

staff 樂譜

treble clef 高音譜號

bass clef 低音譜號

clef 譜號 (G clef, F clef, C clef)

note(s) 音符

rest(s) 休止符

breve 二全音符

semi撫reve 全音符 (whole note,美)

minim 二分音符 (half note,美)

crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美)

quaver 八分音符 (eighth note,美)

semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美)

demisemiquaver 三十二分音符

(thirty-second note,美)

hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符 (sixty-fourth note,美)

dot 附點

double dot 復附點

dotted no......
