
General 更新 2025-02-03


全名是Albert Einstein(阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦)

Albert Einstein is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and influential figures of the modern era. As a preeminent physicist, he radically transformed our understanding of the universe. As an ardent humanist, he took an active and outspoken stance on the significant political and social issues of his time. As a committed Jew, he advocated a distinctive moral role for the Jewish people.

Albert Einstein's contribution to modern physics is simply unique. His scientific career was a constant quest for the universal and immutable laws, which govern the physical world. His theories spanned the fundamental questions of nature, from the very large to the very small, from the cosmos to sub-atomic particles. He overturned the established concepts of time and space, energy and matter. Einstein played a crucial role in establishing the two pillars of 20th century physics: he was the father of the theory of relativity and a major contributor to quantum theory.

Einstein was a theoretical physicist - his only concrete tools being pencil and paper. It has been said that his true tools were a penetrating and intuitive grasp of the workings of the natural world and the "thought experiment" - an intellectual exercise used by physicists to reach a theoretical conclusion from idealized physical processes. Yet, Einstein was not a purely abstract thinker. He grasped the world in concrete images and strove to translate them into words an......


愛因斯坦的貢獻 物質不滅定律,說的是物質的質量不滅;能量守恆定律,說的是物質的能量守恆。 雖然這兩條偉大的定律相繼被人們發現了,但是人們以為這是兩個風馬牛不相關的定律,各自說明了不同的自然規律。甚至有人以為,物質不滅定律是一條化學定律,能量守恆定律是一條物理定律,它們分屬於不同的科學範疇。 然而,在1905年,一個年僅26歲的德國物理學家接連在德國《物理學》雜誌上發表了5篇論文,從一個嶄新的高度,揭示了物質不滅定律和能量守恆定律的本質及其相互關係。 這個年輕的科學家,就是阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦。 愛因斯坦是猶太人。他小時候,並沒有顯示什麼天才的象徵,他甚至一直到3歲才開始學會說話。 在上學的時候,愛因斯坦很喜歡讀聖經,真心誠意地相信聖經上所講述故事都是真實的。然而,他後來讀了許多科學著作之後,就轉為相信科學,認為聖經上所講的故事是荒誕的。在大學裡,愛因斯坦深深地愛上了物理學。他非常勤奮,常常沉醉於物理實驗而忘了吃飯。愛因斯坦的數學造詣也很深,他認為現代物理學不用數學武裝自己的頭腦,是無法攻克物理學上的難題的。 愛因斯坦喜歡獨立思考。對於任何一種理論,他總是經過一番思索之後,覺得它確有道理,這才接受下來。 愛因斯坦大學畢業後,很想在大學裡擔任教師,從事科學研究,可是由於他是猶太人,受到歧視,不能留校工作。他經過別人介紹,才好不容易在一個專利局裡找到工作,當個職員。在那裡,既沒有圖書館,也沒有實驗室。然而,艱苦的環境更能磨練一個人的意志。就在那小小的專利局宿舍裡,愛因斯坦經常工作到深夜。 在1905年,愛因斯坦創立了著名的“狹義相對論”[56]。愛因斯坦認為,物質的質量是慣性的量度,能量是運動的量度;能量與質量並不是彼此孤立的,而是互相聯繫的,不可分割的。物體質量的改變,會使能量發生相應的改變;而物體能量的改變,也會使質量發生相應的改變。 在狹義相對論中,愛因斯坦提出了著名的質能關係公式: E=mc2 這裡的E代表物體的能量,m代表物體的質量,c代表光的速度,即每秒30萬公里。 按照愛因斯坦的理論,如果把1克溫度為0℃的水,加熱到100℃水吸收了100卡的熱量,這時水的質量也相應增加了。按照質能關係公式計算,1克水的質量增加了0.00000000000465克。 愛因斯坦的理論,最初受到許多人的反對,就連當時一些著名物理學家也對這位年青人的論文表示懷疑。然而,隨著科學的發展,大量的科學實驗證明愛因斯坦的理論是正確的,愛因斯坦才一躍而成為世界著名的科學家,成為20世紀世界最偉大的科學家之一。 愛因斯坦的質能關係公式,正確地解釋了各種原子核反應:就拿氦4來說,它的原子核是由2個質子和2箇中子組成的。照理,氦4原子核的質量就等於2個質子和2箇中子質量之和。實際上,這樣的算術並不成立,氦核的質量比2個質子、2箇中子質量之和少了0.0302原子質量單位[57]!這是為什麼呢?因為當2個氘[dao]核(每個氘核都含有1個質子、1箇中子)聚合成1個氦4原子核時,釋放出大量的原子能。生成1克氦4原子時,大約放出2700000000000焦耳的原子能。正因為這樣,氦4原子核的質量減少了。 這個例子生動地說明:在2個氘原子核聚合成1個氦原子核時,似乎質量並不守恆,也就是氦4原子核的質量並不等於2個氘核質量之和。然而,用質能關係公式計算,氦4原子核失去的質量,恰巧等於因反應時釋放出原子能而減少的質量! 這樣一來,愛因斯坦就從更新的高度,闡明瞭物質不滅定律和能量守恆定律的實質,指出了這兩條定律之間的密切關係,使人類對大自然的認識又深化了一步。 沒有什麼大自然的奧祕,是人類所不能......


愛因斯坦的中英文對照簡介 zidao.bai恭u.com/question/39883700.html?si=2







Albert Einstein on March 14, 1879 in the German city of Ulm was born, his parents were Jewish. Einstein have a happy childhood, his father was a quiet, docile and good-hearted people, people who love literature and mathematics. His mother made her strong, popular music and influence of Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein played study violin at age six. From the violin became his lifelong companion. Einstein's parents have a positive impact on his family and education, home filled with the spirit of freedom and auspicious atmosphere. And Ne......

急求愛因斯坦簡介 英文版

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields. Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, a city in Germany. As a boy, he was slow to learn to talk, but later in his childhood he showed great curiosity about nature and ability to solve difficult mathematical problems. After he left school, he went to Switzerland, where he graduated from the university with a degree in mathematics. In 1905, Einstein began to publish a series of papers which shook the whole scientific and intellectual world, and for the theories he established in the papers he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Because Einstein was Jewish, when Hitler took over Germany in 1933, he had to leave the country and finally settled in the United States. There he continued his study on the structure of the universe until his death in 1955. Among the several important discoveries Einstein made in his life, the greatest is the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity

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