
General 更新 2025-02-26



Transfer tax


Transfer tax



Taxation Guidance Desk

Guide tax table

Tax Guidance

taiwan import tax

Tax Guide

請高手翻譯英文,謝謝 50分

The traditional idea that the turnover tax in the income allocation on the effect may be the reverse, it is mainly a transfer tax effects and regressive effect decision. The turnover tax system was analyzed, it also elaborated the tax for the regulation of fair income distribution function, put forward our country current tax regulating income distribution features, pointed out that the use of tax policies to promote the fair distribution of income and promote social equity and justice practical need. At the same time on personal income tax and turnover tax some own characteristics were studied. In view of our country present income distribution gap is widening in the present situation, the union current our country new round of tax system reform, basis western the optimal commodity tax research, think of turnover tax can be improved and strengthen its role in promoting fair income distribution. At the end of the turnover tax category one one put forward the improvement scheme, is tax better play its role in promoting fair income !!!!!!!OK!!!!!!


增值稅,英文是value added tax(VAT) ,增值稅是以商品(含應稅勞務)在流轉過程中產生的增值額作為計稅依據而徵收的一種流轉稅。實行價外稅


商品及服務稅(Goods and Services Tax‎,簡稱GST‎)是增值稅的一種,也是銷售稅的一種,指政府為各種商品及服務所徵收的稅項。



國家稅務總局設12個職能司(局、廳):   (一)辦公廳clerical office of the State Administration of Taxation 處理總局機關日常政務,起草和審核有關文件和報告;負責會議組織、祕書事務、文電處理、文書檔案、信訪、保密、保衛、調研、政務信息和新聞發佈;制定機關內部規章制度;管理機關財務和房產等行政事務。 (二)政策法規司Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Taxation 負責稅政調查研究;組織起草稅收法律法規草案和實施細則;研究提出稅制改革建議;擬定稅收業務的規章制度;組織實施對稅收法規、規章執行情況的監督檢查;承辦重大稅收案件的審理和行政處罰工作;辦理稅務行政訴訟和行政複議。 (三)流轉稅管理司turnover tax administrative organization of the State Administration of Taxation 負責增值稅、消費稅、營業稅的徵收管理工作,制定具體的徵收管理辦法;起草有關法律法規草案;對有關法律法規在執行中的一般性問題進行解釋和處理;組織辦理有關稅收減免中的具體事項。  (四)所得稅管理司income tax administrative organization of the State Administration of Taxation 負責企業所得稅和個人所得稅的徵收管理工作,制定具體的徵收管理辦法;起草有關法律法規草案;對有關法律、法規在執行中的一般性問題進行解釋和處理;組織辦理有關稅收減免中的具體事項。  (五)地方稅務司(農業稅徵收管理局)excise office of the State Administration of Taxation 負責地方各稅的稅收業務管理,制定具體的徵收管理辦法;起草有關法律法規草案;對有關法律、法規在執行中的一般性問題進行解釋和處理;指導地方稅收徵管業務;負責農業稅、牧業稅、農林特產稅、耕地佔用稅、契稅的徵收管理;組織辦理農業稅特大災歉減免中的具體事項。  (六)國際稅務司(海洋石油稅務管理局)International Tax Section 參與起草有關法律法規草案;研究提出國際間反避稅措施;參加涉外稅收的國際談判,草簽和執行有關協議、協定;承辦與國際貨幣基金組織、世界銀行等國際機構及外國稅務機關的合作與交流業務,管理機關的外事工作;管理海洋石油稅收業務。  (七)進出口稅收管理司export-import board of the State Administration of Taxation 提出制定進出口稅收管理政策、規章和辦法的建議與意見;組織實施有關計劃,檢查有關政策的執行情況;辦理出口產品退稅審批事項。  (八)徵收管理司administration of collection of the State Administration of Taxation 組織實施綜合性稅收徵管法規及規章、制度;指導稅務登記、申報工作和稅收資料的管理;負責稅法宣傳;管理稅收發票和票證。  (九)稽查局inspection bureau of the State Administration of Taxation 擬定稅務稽查制度、辦法並組織實施;辦理重大稅收案件的立案和調查的有關事項並提出審理意見;指導、協調稅務系統的稽查工作。  (十)財務管理司financial ma......

開增值稅普通發票擡頭能用三個英文字母嗎 20分


因此 ‍,增值稅普通發票不能開英文擡頭。但是可以開具中英文雙語的擡頭增值稅普通發票。



哪位好心人幫我翻譯成英語,急用,謝謝!!! 20分

Township enterprises in rural reform and the corresponding market system formed in the course of the development process is a thought process. First of all, in the rural economic reform achieved initial success, and the city launched the initial reform of the economic system, tremendous changes in the economic environment to a flexible system of township enterprises with great development space, which makes in the late 1980s, township enterprises in China The rapid development. In this process, the development of township enterprises not only to digest a large number of rural surplus labor force, and also for the national and local, especially the local government has provided substantial financial income. Therefore, the development of township enterprises, once known as "the city with Chinese characteristics of the road." However, with the socialist market economic system gradually establish and perfect, the fierce market competition makes township enterprises in the deteriorating external environment, the township enterprises in the operating mechanism and management system on the imperfections have gradually emerged and become its further development Obstacles. Even more serious, because the development of township enterprises Division win of the result of extensive and the enormous environmental costs have gradually emerged, the township enterprises in production and operation and the lives of rural residents has serious implications, which prompted We have to r......
