a hungry cat..
你其實是想形容一個人 或者一個動物很愛吃
◆greedy cat-sister
(饞嘴貓) 英文怎麼拼??
greedy cat
Described as "very ill" with a sick as a dog, "very tired" is a dog-tired. 與此相反,中國人十分喜愛貓,用“饞貓”比喻人貪嘴,常有親呢的成份,而在西方文化中,“貓”被用來比喻“包藏禍心的女人”。 In contrast, the Chinese people very fond of cats, with "Chanmao" metaphor gluttonous, often intimacy ingredients, while in Western culture, "Cats" is a metaphor for "sinister design of a woman."
英語中lion是百獸之王,是“勇敢、凶猛、威嚴”的象徵,英國國王King Richard I由於勇敢過人,被稱為the Lion-Heart。 English lion is the king of beasts, is "brave, fierce, majesty," the symbol of the King of England King Richard I the extraordinary bravery, known as the Lion-Heart. 英國人以lion作為自己國家的象徵。 Englishman with lion as their national symbol. The British Lion就是指英國。 The British Lion refers t盯 the United Kingdom. 英語中有許多與lion有關的習語,如play oneself in the lion's mouth(置身虎穴),come in like a lion and go out like a lamb(虎頭蛇尾),like a key in a lion' hide(狐假虎威),譯成漢語時,lion習慣上用“虎”代替,因為中國人認為“老虎”是百獸之王,用“虎”來表示勇敢、凶猛、威嚴。 There are many English idioms with lion-related, such as play oneself in the lion's mouth (exposure ventured), come in like a lion and go out like a lamb (anticlimactic), like a key in a lion 'hide (legendary), translated into Chinese, lion customary use "tiger" instead, because Chinese people believe that "Tiger" is the king of beasts, with "Tiger" to represent the brave, fierce, dignified. 如:虎視眈眈、放虎歸山、談虎色變、為虎添翼、猛虎下山等。 Such as: eyeing Fanghuguishan, scared for Tiger Tim wing, T......