開始的英文 開始用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-25



begin v.開始;起源;有可能

start v.發生;開始;使開始;使發生;驚起;驚跳

commence v.開始

initial stage 初始階段;最初階段;初期

beginning n.開端;開始;起點;開頭;背景;出身;最早階段;一種關係的結束和另一種關係的開始;最先的部分

outset n.開始;起始

常用 權威



1. 開始曲

(of radio broadcast) signature tune

2. 開始流通

be put into circulation

3. 開始廣播

go on the air

4. 開始條款

opening clause

5. 開始有起色

begin to prosper

6. 開始談判

enter into negotiation

7. 開始施行

go into effect

8. 開始討論

commence a discussion

9. 開始姿勢

starting position

10. 開始記事兒

begin to remember things

11. 開始工作

get to work; start work

12. 開始行動

make a move; initiate action

13. 重新開始

take/make a fresh start; resume; start afresh/anew; start all over again

14. 開始辯論

open a debate;start a debate

15. 開始使用

come into use

16. 開始經商

take to business

17. 開始營業

commence business; open for business;open business; begin doing business

18. 開始演講

begin one's speech

19. 開始從政

enter politics;enter politics

20. 開始通訊

enter into correspondence (with sb)


1. 我自從四歲開始就能做到這一點。

I've been able to do this since I was four.

2. 在課程開始前,先讓自己靜音吧!

Before the lesson starts, mute yourself!

3. 從今天開始,你會發現少即是多。

Start today, and you will find that less is more.

4. 最近,我開始寫簡短的學習日記。

Recently I've started keeping a small study diary.

5. 餐館是什麼時候開始走向國際的?

When did restaurants begin to grow internationally?

6. 在開始之前,您可能會感到失敗。

You may feel defeated before beginning.

7. 他們開始爭論誰會成為超級巨星。

And they started arguing which one would make it as a superstar.

8. 他們從糟糕的、緩慢的道路開始

They begin with poor, slow roads.

9. 可移動的金屬字型開始用於印刷。

Moveable metal type began to be used in printing.

10. 幾年後,他開始賺取豐厚的薪水。

After a few years, he began to earn a good salary.



“開始”選單,位於Windows作業系統(Windows 7及以下版本、Windows 10)電腦螢幕的左下角,裡面包含了一些系統預設檔案,你安裝的軟體的快捷方式也在裡面。





動詞 begin; start; commence

1. 雨季開始了。

The rainy season has set in.

2. 新的一年開始了。

A new year begins.

3. 從頭開始

start from the very beginning; start from the ground up

4. 重新開始

start anew; start afresh; start over

5. 開始執政

assume the reins of government; come into power

6. 開始營業

commence business; open for business

7. 開始演講

begin one's speech

8. 開始討論

commence a discussion

9. 開始談判

enter into negotiation

10. 開始生效

come/go into effect; take effect

11. 開始經商

enter (into) business; embark on/upon a business career; enter a business career

12. 開始工作

get to work; start work

13. 開始調查

institute an investigation/enquiry (into)

14. 開始從政

enter politics

15. 開始辯論

start a debate

動詞 set about doing sth

1. 開始一項新的工作

set about a new task

名詞 initial stage; beginning; leadoff; outset

1. 青年人在人生路上應該有個良好的開始,並找到適合自己的位置。

Young people should have a good start in life and a place of their own.

2. 運動的開始

leadoff of a campaign
