游泳的英文 游泳用英語怎麼說?
swim v.游泳;浸;泡;在眼前旋轉;在眼前晃動;橫渡;漂浮;使漂浮;使渡過;眩暈
swimming n.游泳
常用 權威
1. 游泳隊
swimming team
2. 游泳褲
swimming/bathing trunks; swim pants
3. 游泳足
swimmeret; pleopod
4. 游泳帽
bathing cap; swim cap
5. 游泳館
6. 游泳池
swim pool; swimming pool
7. 游泳圈
swim ring; inflatable lifebelt; swim tube; rubber ring;muffin top; spare tyre; love handles
8. 游泳賽
swimming race; swim meet
9. 游泳衣
swimwear; swimsuit; swimming suit/costume; bathing suit/costume
10. 露天游泳池
open-air swimming pool
11. 逆水游泳
swim against the current
12. 游泳比賽
swimming contest
13. 游泳運動員
14. 下海游泳
swim in the sea
15. 短池游泳
short-course swimming
16. 游泳用品
swimming things
17. 室內游泳池
indoor swimming pool
18. 游泳鏡
swimming goggles/glasses
19. 游泳健將
top-notch swimmer;first-class swimmer
20. 禁止游泳
prohibit swimming; no swimming
1. 雖然她累了,但她仍然堅持游泳。
Though she was tired, she still carried on swimming.
2. 他在釣魚,而他的孩子們在游泳。
He was fishing while his kids were having a swim.
3. 謝謝你警告我們不要在這裡游泳。
Thank you for warning (警告) us not to swim here.
4. 他喜歡拉小提琴、游泳和閱讀。
He enjoyed playing the violin, swimming and reading.
5. 他們建造了一個新的游泳中心。
They built a new swimming centre.
6. 除非有救生員值班,否則不要游泳。
Don't swim unless there is a lifeguard(救生員)on duty.
7. 不懂游泳的孩子應該穿救生衣。
Kids who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets.
8. 一天,一隻鯨魚帶著她的幼鯨在游泳。
One day, a whale was swimming with her calf.
9. 我在游泳比賽中獲得一等獎。
I won the first prize in the swimming competition.
10. 游泳和步行是你的完美選擇。
Swimming and walking are perfect choices for you.
游泳(Swimming)是人在水的浮力作用下產生向上漂浮,憑藉浮力透過肢體有規律的運動。 游泳可分為競技游泳和實用游泳,競技游泳是奧林匹克運動會中的第二大專案,它包括蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳、捷泳以及花樣游泳等;實用游泳包括武裝泅渡、水上救護和潛泳等。早期的游泳活動,多被視為貴族的子女教育及士兵訓練的一個重要部分。古羅馬人興建了巨大浴池,游泳成為上流社會人士社交活動。18世紀末,工人游泳的機會增多,游泳開始成為一種普通運動。
動詞 take a swim; swim
1. 去游泳
go for a swim; go swimming
2. 逆水游泳
swim against the current
3. 比賽游泳
swim a race (with)
名詞 swim; swimming
1. 競技游泳
competitive swimming
2. 馬拉松式游泳
marathon swimming
3. 長距離/中距離游泳
long-distance/middle-distance swimming
4. 游泳用品
swimming things
5. 游泳高手/健兒
expert/good swimmer