邀請的英文 邀請用英語怎麼說?
invite v.邀請;徵求;徵聘;招致;引起;吸引;誘使;慫恿
常用 權威
1. 邀請賽
(invitational) tournament
2. 邀請信
invitation; letter of invitation
3. 邀請函
invitation letter
4. 邀請書
5. 邀請者
6. 辭謝邀請
(politely) decline sb's invitation
7. 接受邀請
accept an invitation;accept an invitation
8. 婉拒邀請
decline an invitation
9. 友好邀請賽
friendship invitational tournament
10. 謝絕邀請
decline sb's invitation;decline an invitation
11. 邀請國
host country
12. 分送邀請函
dispatch invitations
13. 謝卻邀請
decline an invitation
14. 回絕邀請
decline an invitation
15. 要約邀請
invitation of offer
16. 邀請下列人員
invite those listed below
17. 婉辭推拒邀請
politely decline an invitation
18. 婉謝某人的邀請
graciously decline sb's invitation
1. 第二天,維尼收到了總統的邀請。
The very next day, Vinnie received an invitation from the President.
2. 我被邀請作為特邀嘉賓參加展覽。
I was invited as a special guest to attend the exhibition.
3. 他們邀請表演者品嚐自制的食物。
They invite performers to taste self-made food.
4. 這就是他被電影導演邀請的原因。
That was why he was invited by the film director.
5. 我要感謝你邀請我去菏澤牡丹園。
I'd like to thank you for your invitation to Heze Peony Garden.
6. 邀請公眾對塑膠危機發表意見。
Invite public opinion on the plastics crisis.
7. 老人在接受邀請之前看了劇本。
The old man read the script (劇本) before accepting the invitation.
8. 你應該學會禮貌地拒絕別人的邀請。
You are supposed to learn to turn down others' invitation politely.
9. 他想邀請她參加一個研究專案。
He wanted to invite her to join in a study project.
10. 我們辦公室的每個人都受到了邀請。
Everyone in our office is invited.
邀請(yāo qǐng),漢語詞語,意為請人到自己的地方來或到約定的地方去。盧綸《渾贊善東齋戲贈陳歸》中提及該詞:“公子無仇可邀請,侯贏此坐是何人。”
《邀請(INVITATION)》是由XIV STUDIO製作發行的一款生存恐怖冒險遊戲。
動詞 invite
1. 中國代表應大會主席的邀請在會上發言。
China's representative was invited by the chairperson to speak at the meeting.
2. 熱誠邀請諸位光臨。
Everyone is cordially invited.
3. 懇切/正式邀請
earnestly/formally invite
4. 謝絕邀請
decline sb's invitation
5. 收到邀請
get/receive an invitation
6. 接受邀請
accept an invitation
7. 回絕/取消邀請
rebuff/cancel an invitation
8. 發出邀請
send/issue/tender an invitation to (sb)
9. 邀請朋友參加婚禮/聚會
invite friends to one's wedding/a party
10. 邀請老同學赴宴
invite one's old classmates to dinner