房子的英文 房子用英語怎麼說?
house n.房屋;場所;…屋;宗教團體;立法機構;協商機構;審議機構;貨倉音樂;黃道十二宮之一;黃道宮
building n.建築物;營造物;建築;發展;創造;籌辦;建築建築物的過程;增強;增長
常用 權威
1. 蓋房子
build a house
2. 招租房子
let a house
3. 房子窄巴
poky house
4. 看房子
keep watch over a house
5. 燻房子
fumigate a room
6. 典當房子
place a house in hock
7. 賃房子
lease a room (to sb)
8. 購買房子
buy a house
9. 騰房子
vacate a house
10. 粗陋的房子
crude house; crudely built house
11. 把房子修修
have the house repaired
12. 把房子鎖好
lock up a house
13. 鬧鬼的房子
haunted house
14. 房子的外觀
exterior of a house
15. 替人看房子
house-sit; be a house-sitter
16. 房子的構架
framework of a house
17. 給房子估價
appraise a house
18. 給房子辟邪
exorcise the house
19. 房子的主人
owner of the house
20. 騰出閒棄的房子
vacate an unoccupied room
1. 粉刷房子比她想象的要麻煩得多。
Painting a house involves more trouble than she thought.
2. 還有一次,他借錢給朋友買房子。
Another time, he lent a friend money to buy a house.
3. 她想和他商量房子的裝修預算。
She wants to discuss the house decoration budget with him.
4. 你的房子可能會影響你的身材。
Your house may have an effect on your figure.
5. 在城鎮裡,他們一起擠在小房子裡。
In towns, they live crowded together in tiny houses.
6. 她花了很多時間打掃房子和洗衣服。
She spends lots of time cleaning the house and doing the laundry.
7. 這所房子以前是福克斯先生的。
This house used to belong to Mr. Fox.
8. 她對那個男人的房子印象深刻。
She is really impressed by the man's house.
9. 英國只有十分之一的房子沒有花園。
Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden.
10. 她想帶他參觀一下她新裝修的房子。
She'd like to show him around her newly-renovated house.
房子是一個漢語詞彙,讀音為fáng zi,指供人類居住、從事社會活動或供其他用途的建築物。它是人類最基本的生活資料。
名詞 house; building
1. 這個房子位置優越,便於購物。
The house is conveniently situated for the shops.
2. 鬧鬼的房子
haunted house
3. 替人看房子
house-sit; be a house-sitter
4. 騰房子
vacate a house
5. 蓋房子
build a house
6. 拆(除)房子
tear down/demolish/raze a house
7. 一套房子
a flat; an apartment; a house