垃圾的英文 垃圾用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-21



refuse v.拒絕;拒絕接受;拒絕給予;未應要求起作用;不接受…求婚;拒絕跨

waste v.浪費;揮霍;逐漸變虛弱;變消瘦;破壞;毀壞;流逝;被花掉;白費;未能充分(或很好)利用

rubbish n.廢物;垃圾;廢話;無意義之物;無價值之物;愚蠢的想法;荒謬的念頭;不中用的意見

garbage n.垃圾;無用(或無意義)的東西;無用資訊

trash n.廢物;垃圾;甘蔗葉;甘蔗渣;拙劣的文學作品;社會地位很低的人

junk n.垃圾;破爛;廢舊雜物;海洛因;嗎啡;抹香鯨頭部纖維組織;中國式帆船;胡說八道;毫無價值的作品;垃圾債券

常用 權威



1. 垃圾桶

refuse bin/can; dustbin; trash/garbage can; trash receptacle

2. 垃圾場

civic-amenity site; rubbish/refuse dump; dumping ground

3. 垃圾堆

rubbish/garbage heap; refuse dump; dustheap; trash pile

4. 垃圾股

junk bond/share

5. 垃圾袋

bin-liner; refuse/bin/trash/garbage bag

6. 垃圾道

refuse/garbage/trash chute; garbage shaft

7. 垃圾箱

refuse bin/can; dustbin; bin; trash/garbage can; receptacle

8. 垃圾車

dustbin lorry; garbage truck;refuse collector; trash cart; dustcart; garbage truck

9. 埋垃圾

bury waste

10. 工業垃圾

industrial refuse;industrial refuse/garbage

11. 垃圾郵件

junk mail; spam;junk mail; spam (email/message)

12. 垃圾時間

garbage/junk time

13. 文化垃圾

cultural rubbish/trash/garbage

14. 垃圾磨碎機

refuse crusher; garbage grinder

15. 銷納垃圾

collect and destroy rubbish

16. 垃圾食品

junk food

17. 垃圾債券

junk bond

18. 有害垃圾

harmful waste

19. 傾倒垃圾

dump rubbish

20. 垃圾通道

rubbish shaft


1. 中國已經成功地進行了垃圾分類。

China has already succeeded in sorting the rubbish.

2. 中國政府鼓勵人們進行垃圾分類。

The Chinese government is encouraging people to do waste sorting (分類).

3. 全球只有9%的塑膠垃圾被回收。

Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled.

4. 它在海洋中收集了許多塑膠垃圾

It collected much plastic rubbish in the ocean.

5. 其次,你可以撿起來扔進垃圾箱。

Secondly, you can pick them up and throw them into a dustbin (垃圾箱).

6. 請務必將垃圾放入正確的容器中。

Be sure to put the waste in the correct containers.

7. 總是一些垃圾,比如巧克力糖果。

It's always some garbage, like chocolate-covered sweets.

8. 例如,鞦韆可能最終會變成垃圾

The swings, for example, will probably just end up as litter.

9. 中國現在對垃圾問題越來越認真了。

China is getting really serious about waste now.

10. 發達國家製造的生活垃圾佔44%。

The developed countries are responsible for 44% of waste.





《垃圾》由Phil Volken導演,主要演員有達麗爾·漢納、威廉·鮑德溫、邁克爾·馬德森,影片上映時間是2010年6月,影片上映地區是美國。



名詞 refuse; waste; rubbish; garbage; trash

1. 每天收一次垃圾。

Refuse is collected once a day.

2. 清潔工把垃圾運走了。

The cleaner hauled the rubbish/refuse away.

3. 禁止亂扔垃圾。

No littering.

4. 此處禁止倒垃圾。

No dumping here.

5. 太空垃圾

space debris

6. 生活垃圾

household/domestic refuse

7. 建築垃圾

debris from demolition; construction debris; building waste

8. 工業垃圾

industrial refuse

9. 城市垃圾

city waste

10. 廚餘垃圾

kitchen refuse/waste

11. 收垃圾

collect rubbish/refuse

12. 清掃垃圾

sweep away rubbish/refuse

13. 清除垃圾

clear away/remove rubbish; clear away/remove refuse

14. 埋垃圾

bury waste

15. 利用垃圾

make use of refuse; capitalize on refuse

16. 拾垃圾

pick up/collect rubbish; pick up/collect refuse

17. 焚燒垃圾

burn/incinerate waste

18. 倒垃圾

dump rubbish/refuse; throw away rubbish

19. 處理垃圾

dispose of/treat rubbish; dispose of/treat refuse

20. 一堆垃圾

a heap/pile of rubbish

名詞 trash; junk

1. 她的建議只是一堆垃圾。

Her advice turned out to be nothing but rubbish.

2. 清除社會垃圾

do away with social dregs

3. 看垃圾電視節目

watch trash TV; watch garbage on TV

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