高的英文 高用英語怎麼說?
tall adj.高的;難以置信的;不可能的;身高;昂然的
high adj.高的;大的;大於正常的;高階的;重要的;高音的;激動的;興奮的;刺鼻的;臭的;舌位高的
your det.你的;您的;你們的;榮譽是…的你
his det.他的
her pron.她;她自己
their det.他們的;她們的;它們的;陛下;殿下;閣下;大人;她的;他的
height n.高度;身高;高地;高處;極點;頂點;鼎盛時期;高;海拔;典型
altitude n.高度;海拔;高地;地平緯度;頂垂線
常用 權威
1. 高真空管
high-vacuum/hard tube
2. 高產區
high-yield area
3. 調門兒高
have a high-pitched voice
4. 高公館
Mr Gao's residence
5. 高溫帶
hot-temperature/hot zone
6. 手藝高
be highly skilled
7. 齊腰高
8. 高低潮
higher low water (HLW)
9. 高濃縮鈾
highly enriched uranium
10. 齊眉高
at eyebrow level
11. 眼皮子高
be fastidious; be hard to please
12. 高氯酸鹽
13. 腔兒高
high-pitched tune
14. 天資高
be of great endowments
15. 高纖維食物
food high in fibre
16. 高瓦斯礦
gassy mine
17. 高水位線
high-water mark; high-water line
18. 高爆炸彈
high-explosive bomb
19. 學術含金量高
be of high academic value
20. 高消費地區
upscale district
1. 我們爬得越高,空氣就會越稀薄。
The higher we climbed, the thinner the air became.
2. 高增長率增加了學術創新的機會。
High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation.
3. 把揹包放在光滑表面上,齊腰高。
Put the pack on a smooth surface, at waist height.
4. 他們顯示出更高的胰島素水平。
They displayed higher insulin levels.
5. 他死後,他的畫漲到了很高的價格。
His pictures climbed to high prices after his death.
6. 它有高程度的種族和經濟隔離。
It has high degrees of racial and economic segregation (隔離) .
7. 在海上建壩很難,成本也很高。
It is difficult to build a dam in the sea, and the cost is very high.
8. 孤獨對高喚醒情緒有還原作用。
Solitude had a reductive effect on high-arousal emotions.
9. 他們通常分為兩類:高接觸和低接觸。
They are usually classified into two groups: high-contact and low-contact.
10. 影評人不會給它很高的評價。
Movie reviewers would not rate it highly.
高姓是中華姓氏之一,最早出現於上古黃帝時期,中國最早系統記錄姓氏來源的典籍《世本》記載:“黃帝臣高元作官室”,春秋時期,齊太公呂尚(姜子牙)的六世孫齊文公呂赤次子受封於高邑,稱公子高。 高姓是一個多民族、多源流的古老姓氏群體,源流眾多,在《百家姓》中排第153位,主流發源於今河南省境內,但在春秋以後,以齊魯之地分佈居多。
形詞 tall; high
1. 他喝得有點兒高了。
He is a bit high (on alcohol).
2. 我夠不到那麼高。
I can't reach that high.
3. 我兒子比她高得多。
My son is much taller than she is.
4. 太陽已經很高了。
The sun was already high.
5. 他中等偏高。
He is a little above the middle height.
6. 用枕頭把頭墊高
use a pillow to elevate one's head
7. 高出一頭/半頭
be taller by a head/half a head; top sb by a head/half a head
8. 不夠高
not high/tall enough
名詞 height; altitude; vertical measurement
1. 他的年收入高達七位數。
His yearly income runs into seven figures.
2. 銷售額今年達到新高。
Sales have reached a new high this year.
3. 舍利塔高50米。
The elevation/height of the dagoba is 50 metres. / The dagoba is 50 metres high/tall.
4. 齊腰高
5. 高三米,長五米
three metres high and five metres long
名詞 high place; high
形詞 of a high degree/level; above the average
形詞 (of ranks, position, etc) high
形詞 your; his; her; their
形詞 containing one more oxygen atom in an acid or a chemical compound
名詞 altitude