寫的英文 寫用英語怎麼說?
paint n.油漆;塗料;花馬;雜色馬;塗顏料;塗脂抹粉;化妝;三秒區;繪圖功能
draw v.繪製;勾畫;畫;拉;拖;拔出;抽出;取出;排出;引出;引起;激起;以平局結束;使(球)朝預定的目標作弧線運動;(船)吃水;(帆)吃飽風
copy n.仿製品;複製品;複製;副本;本;份;張;原稿;手稿;稿件
write v.寫;書寫;寫…給;寫作;編著;用文字形式表達;寫入;承保;寫字;函告
describe v.描述;形容;標示;畫;畫出(想像的幾何圖形的)輪廓
depict v.表現;描繪;描述
常用 權威
1. 寫故事
write a story
2. 寫遺囑
write a will
3. 寫全名
write one's name in full
4. 寫小說
write a novel
5. 寫評語
write one's comments (on sth)
6. 寫喜劇
write a comedy
7. 寫報告
write a report
8. 寫招牌
inscribe a signboard
9. 寫講稿
write a speech
10. 寫明信片
write a postcard (to sb)
11. 寫家書
write a letter home
12. 寫白字
misspell a character
13. 寫樂譜
write a musical composition
14. 寫教案
prepare one's teaching plan
15. 寫一手好字
write a fair hand
16. 字寫得帥
write a beautiful hand
17. 寫斜了
be written on a slant
18. 字寫得勻稱
write a neat hand
19. 給月刊寫評論
write reviews for monthly magazines
20. 文章寫得好
have a deft pen
1. 最近,我開始寫簡短的學習日記。
Recently I've started keeping a small study diary.
2. 寫英語日記是提高英語的好方法。
Keeping English diary is a good way to improve English.
3. 給國際學生傑克寫一封電子郵件。
Write an email to Jack, an interational students.
4. 這可能是我寫過的最瘋狂的標題。
It's probably the craziest headline I've ever written.
5. 我寫的必須是事實,而不是虛構。
What I wrote needed to be fact as opposed to fiction.
6. Kyd寫了一個擠滿坑的悲劇。
Kyd had written a tragedy that crowded the pit.
7. 如果你不想見他,就給他寫張便條。
If you don't want to see him, just write him a note.
8. 那時我的拇指(寫資訊速度)很快。
I was pretty fast with my thumb then.
9. 給客戶服務中心寫封電子郵件。
Write an email to the customer service center.
10. 不管好壞,我每天至少寫兩頁。
Well or badly, I wrote at least two pages a day.
動詞 paint; draw
動詞 copy [write by imitating the original one]
動詞 write
動詞 compose (a musical or literary work); write
動詞 describe; depict