累的英文 累用英語怎麼說?
rope n.繩;索;串;條;辦事的規矩;訣竅;絞刑;套索;圍繩
cord n.繩子;繩索;有稜紋的布料;考得(木材的單位;一般為128立方英尺;即3.62立方米);電線;塞繩;一段繩子;燈芯絨褲;一根帶子;(體內)索狀(或帶狀)結構(如脊髓
tie v.系;縛;拴;捆;扎;連線;聯合;使有關聯;打成平局;勢均力敵;得相等比分
bind v.緊繫;緊拴;固定;使有歸屬感;使團結在一起;使負法律義務;裝訂;給…鑲邊;適用於;使便秘
pile up 堆放, 堆起, 堆積
accumulate v.聚集;積累;積聚;堆積
involve v.包括;包含;牽涉;捲入;使…經歷;使…參與
implicate v.表明…涉案;暗指;暗示;對…負一定責任
tire v.感到疲勞;厭倦
wear out 精疲力竭;穿破, 磨損
exhaust v.使精疲力竭;用完;用光;耗盡;排放;排出;詳盡無遺地論述
strain v.竭盡全力;使(身體部位)充分發揮功能;將…過濾;拉緊;努力;繃緊;使勁;張緊;盡力;扭傷
labour n.勞動;工黨;分娩;勞工;工人階級;勞動者;勞工階級;勞工部門
toil v.苦幹;辛勤勞動;艱難地行走
work hard 努力工作;辛勤工作;勤奮工作
repeatedly adv.再三地;重複地;屢次地;反覆地
time and again 一再;屢次
over and over again 反覆地
in succession 一個接一個
tired adj.疲倦的;疲勞的;累的;厭倦的;厭煩的;陳舊的;不新鮮的;用舊了的;陳腐的
weary adj.疲勞的;疲倦的;厭倦的;不耐煩的;使人疲勞的;令人厭煩的;沉悶乏味的
fatigued adj.疲乏的
worn out adj.疲憊不堪的;精疲力竭的;不能再用的;破舊的;耗盡的;過時的;陳腐的
常用 權威
1. 累極了
be worn out completely
2. 髒活累活兒
filthy and strenuous work
3. 覺得有點兒累
feel a bit tired
4. 又累又餓
be tired and hungry
1. 即使我非常累,我也會堅持練習。
I keep practicing even when I'm extremely tired.
2. 雖然她累了,但她仍然堅持游泳。
Though she was tired, she still carried on swimming.
3. 當晚餐終於吃完時,亨利又累又餓。
When dinner was finally finished, Henry was tired and hungry .
4. 在他們累之前完成這些活兒。
Finish them before they get tired.
5. 有一些艱難的時刻,我只是覺得非常累。
There were some tough times and I just felt extremely tired.
6. 第一天,他們只玩了大約10分鐘接球遊戲,哈利就累了。
The first day, they only played fetch for about 10 minutes before Hally was tired.
7. 孩子們累極了,主動上床睡覺了。
The children went to bed of their own accord because they were very tired.
8. 他一會就累了,遠遠地落到了後面。
He soon became tired and lagged far behind.
9. 她累了,講起話來沒精打采。
She was tired, and spoke without life.
10. 他累得一回家就癱在床上。
He was so tired that he threw himself in bed as soon as he returned home.
名詞 rope; cord
動詞 tie; bind
動詞 pile up; accumulate
副詞 repeatedly; time and again; over and over again; in succession
null詞 null
動詞 involve; implicate
形詞 tired; weary; fatigued; worn out
1. 忙了一整天,我累得要死。
I'm dead tired/I'm tired to death after a whole day's busy work.
2. 今天累壞了。
I'm exhausted today./ I'm dogtired.
3. 走累了
be tired/weary with walking
動詞 tire; wear out; exhaust; strain
1. 這孩子真累人。
The child really tired me out.
2. 他操勞過度累垮了身體。
His health broke down from overwork.
3. 看小字累眼睛。
Reading small print strains the eyes.
動詞 labour; toil; work hard
1. 累了一天,真想躺下休息一會兒。
I have a good mind to lie down after a day's hard work.