結束的英文 結束用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-04



end n.最後部分;末尾;端;稍;盡頭;目的;目標;一陣;一回;邊鋒

finish v.結束;完成;對(材料;物件或地方)作最後加工;吃光;喝光;用光;不再需要;終結

conclude v.使結束;作出結論;推斷;斷定;總結;結束;下結論;訂立;締結;決定

close adj.近的;接近的;靠近的;直系(尤指父母;兄弟姐妹)的;密切的;周全的;潮溼的;氣悶的;接近;緊密的

come to an end 結束

makeup n.化妝品;體格;組成;補充;性格

常用 權威



1. 結束語

concluding remarks

2. 結束制裁

end the sanctions

3. 結束生命

end one's life

4. 部分結束

be partly finished

5. 結束怨仇

drop one's enmity

6. 結束會談

conclude talks;wrap up talks

7. 結束工作

finish work

8. 結束旅行

conclude a trip

9. 結束內亂

end civil strife

10. 結束野營

break camp

11. 遠未結束

be far from over

12. 結束行程

wind up a trip

13. 結束講座

conclude a lecture

14. 結束討論

close a discussion

15. 結束談判

terminate negotiations

16. 結束衝突

end a conflict

17. 結束戰爭

end a war

18. 結束關係

end one's relationship (with sb)

19. 結束比賽

close a match

20. 結束休假

finish one's holiday


1. 這個季節很短,但它還沒有結束

The season is short, but it has not ended yet.

2. 但它不會以瓶子,罐子和紙結束

But it doesn't end with bottles, cans, and paper.

3. 我們正在為這次旅行的結束倒計時。

We are counting down the days to the end of this tour.

4. 結束日期:2021年9月20日。

The closing date: September 20, 2021.

5. 旅遊結束時,我們去了一個遊樂園。

At the end of the tour, we went to an amusement park.

6. 我不會選擇一年結束印刷工作。

I wouldn't pick a year to end print.

7. 但在用餐結束時,顧客不必擔心賬單。

But at the end of the meal, customers don't have to worry about the bill.

8. 這位藝術家想要展示一個時代的結束

The artist wanted to show the end of an era (時代).

9. 現在我的中學生活結束了。

Now my middle school life comes to an end.

10. 一天結束時,他們把充電的電池帶回家。

At the end of the day, they take the charged batteries home.








動詞 end; finish; conclude; close; come to an end

1. 演出到此結束。

That's the end of our performance.

2. 這個時代即將結束。

This era is drawing to a close.

3. 會議六點結束的。

The meeting ended at six.

4. 工作已告結束。

The work has come to an end.

5. 遠未結束

be far from over

6. 迅速結束

bring (sth) to a speedy conclusion

7. 尚未完全結束

not yet quite finished

8. 快要結束

get near the finish; be close to finishing

9. 部分結束

be partly finished

10. 宣佈會議結束

declare a meeting closed

11. 結束制裁

end/lift the sanctions

12. 結束旅行

conclude a trip

13. 結束混亂狀態

put an end to the chaos

14. 結束會談

wrap up talks

15. 結束關係

end one's relationship (with sb)

16. 結束訪問

conclude a visit; wrap/wind up a visit (to)

17. 結束辯論/講話/晚會

wind up a debate/speech/party

18. 結束比賽

close a match

19. 結束罷工

bring the strike to an end; bring an end to the strike

名詞 [often in the early vernacular] style of dressing; makeup
