慶祝的英文 慶祝用英語怎麼說?
celebrate v.慶祝;歡慶;主持;公開頌揚;讚美;作樂
commemorate v.紀念;慶祝;祝賀;作為…的紀念物;標誌
mark n.痕;疤痕;斑;標記;記號;嘜頭;得分;分數;型;目標;馬克;波黑馬克
observe v.注意到;察覺到;觀察到;履行;遵守;遵奉;遵從;觀察;說;發現;慶祝
常用 權威
1. 慶祝元旦
celebrate New Year's Day
2. 慶祝生日
celebrate one's birthday
3. 值得慶祝
deserve celebration
4. 慶祝晚會
celebration party
5. 慶祝鋼婚
celebrate one's steel wedding anniversary
6. 慶祝大會
celebration meeting/rally
7. 慶祝嘉年華
celebrate a carnival
8. 慶祝佳節
celebrate a festival
9. 慶祝勝利
celebrate a victory
10. 歡天喜地的慶祝活動
jubilant celebrations
11. 開香檳酒慶祝
celebrate sth with champagne
12. 跨年夜慶祝活動
New Year celebrations
13. 盛大的慶祝活動
huge celebration
1. 今年我們將慶祝第七十個國慶節。
We'll celebrate the seventieth National Day this year.
2. 她認為人群正在慶祝某些東西。
She thought the crowd was celebrating something.
3. 人們可以用它們來慶祝或抱怨。
People can use them to celebrate or complain.
4. 現如今美國人通常如何慶祝勞動節。
How do people often celebrate Labor Day in America nowadays.
5. 6月8日將舉行現場慶祝活動。
There will be a live celebration event on 8 June.
6. 我們將舉行許多活動來熱烈慶祝它。
We will hold many activities to celebrate it warmly .
7. 今年中國將慶祝其70歲華誕。
And this year China will celebrate its 70th birthday.
8. 紅色在中國新年慶祝活動中很受歡迎。
The red color was popular for Chinese New Year celebrations.
9. 小學教室慶祝文化節日——農曆新年!
Elementary school classrooms celebrate cultural holidays--Lunar New Year!
10. 和他一起參加他哥哥的生日慶祝活動。
Join him in his brother's birthday celebration.
詞目:慶祝 拼音:qìng zhù 基本解釋: [celebrate] 為共同的喜事而進行某些活動表示高興或紀念 例如:慶祝勝利
歌手:蔡國慶 發行:保利演藝 語種:華語 流派:POP 地區:內地 廣東星外星文化傳播有限公司總髮行
動詞 celebrate; commemorate; mark; observe
1. 此次慶祝活動由官方發起。
The celebration is sponsored by the government.
2. 慶祝活動一直持續到午夜。
The jubilations/festivities went on till midnight.
3. 值得慶祝
deserve celebration
4. 舉行盛大的慶祝活動
hold a high festival; throw a huge festival (celebrating an event)
5. 慶祝中華人民共和國成立65週年
celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China
6. 慶祝勝利
celebrate a victory
7. 慶祝生日/壽誕
mark the occasion of sb's birthday; celebrate sb's birthday
8. 慶祝節日
celebrate/observe/keep/commemorate a holiday/festival
9. 慶祝國慶/新年
celebrate the National Day/the New Year's Day