休息的英文 休息用英語怎麼說?
rest v.休息;休憩;歇息;休養;倚;靠;被支撐;保持不變;相信;在於
常用 權威
1. 休息區
rest area
2. 休息權
right to rest
3. 休息日
day off
4. 休息室
lounge; lobby
5. 停下來休息
halt for a rest
6. 幕間休息
intermission; interval
7. 休息片刻
have a short rest
8. 課間休息
have a break (between classes);(class) break/interval; class recess
9. 半場休息
halftime; half-time
10. 休息休假
rest and vacation
11. 午間休息
lunch break; noonday rest
12. 休息車廂
lounge car
13. 稍事休息
take a brief rest
14. 休息一陣兒
rest for a while
15. 貴賓休息室
reserved lounge for honoured guests; VIP lounge/room
16. 教員休息室
faculty room/lounge; common room
17. 中場休息
half-time interval
18. 休息時間
resting time
19. 需要好好休息
need a good rest
20. 抓空子休息幾分鐘
snatch a few minutes'rest
1. 他們會利用這段時間休息一會兒。
They will take advantage of the time to rest a while.
2. 做完作業後,你可以好好休息一下。
After finishing doing your homework, you can have a good rest.
3. 在你休息的時候,日子多麼美好啊。
What a nice gesture on your days off.
4. 適應力強的孩子是休息得好的孩子。
A resilient child is a well-rested one.
5. 其中一些在汽車的廕庇中休息。
Some rest in the shade of a parked car.
6. 六天後,放假休息一天是明智之舉。
After six days, it is wise to take a day off to rest.
7. 教師可以在教師辦公室休息。
Teachers can have a rest in the staffroom.
8. 最後,課間休息的鈴聲響了。
Finally the bell rang for a break.
9. 大多數存貨職員都會在週五晚上休息。
Most of stock clerks try to get Friday night off.
10. 地震發生後,醫生和護士忙得無法休息。
After the earthquake, doctors and nurses were too busy to take enough rest.
休息(拼音:xiū xi),漢語詞語,本義是指在一定時間內相對地減少活動,使人從生理上和心理上得到鬆弛,消除或減輕疲勞,恢復精力的過程。如:同學們走累了,坐下來休息片刻
休息(xiū xī),漢語詞語。是指在一定時間內相對地減少活動,使人從生理上和心理上得到鬆弛,消除或減輕疲勞,恢復精力的過程。
動詞 have/take a rest; rest
1. 銀行星期天不休息。
The bank is open on Sundays.
2. 讓我的大腦休息一下。
I will rest my brain.
3. 中場休息
half-time interval
4. 幕間休息
intermission; interval
5. 課間休息
have a break (between classes)
6. 休息片刻
rest for a while; take/have a breather; have a break; have a short rest
7. 需要好好休息
need a good rest
8. 上床休息
go to bed for a rest
9. 得到充分休息
be fully rested; rest up