丈夫的英文 丈夫用英語怎麼說?
man n.男子;男人;人;頭頭;老闆;警察;棋子;個人;人類;丈夫
husband n.丈夫;老公
常用 權威
1. 無毒不丈夫
ruthlessness is the mark of a truly great man; a real man does not lack in venom; he who does not resort to violent treachery when it is necessary is not a true man
2. 大丈夫能屈能伸
a great man knows when to yield and when to assert; a great man is able to stoop or stand; be good at adapting to circumstances
3. 丈夫氣概
manliness; masculinity
4. 花心丈夫
unfaithful husband
5. 大丈夫言出如山
a true man never goes back on his words; a true man never breaks his promise
6. 懼內的丈夫
henpecked husband
7. 大丈夫敢做敢當
a real man has the courage to bear the consequences of his doing or to shoulder responsibility
8. 丈夫的權利與義務
husbandly rights and duties
1. 1972年,她嫁給了她的丈夫。
She married her husband in 1972.
2. 保拉和她的丈夫被空運到醫院。
Paula and her husband were flown to a hospital.
3. 她丈夫和那個男人在做什麼。
What her husband and the man are up to.
4. 她丈夫幾天前因重病去世了。
Her husband died of a serious illness a few days ago.
5. 去年冬天,我和丈夫去那裡看望了他。
Last winter my husband and I visited him there.
6. 寶拉和她的丈夫都受了重傷,得救了。
Paula and her husband were both badly wounded and saved.
7. 我丈夫過生日吃了香蕉布丁。
My husband had banana pudding for his birthday.
8. 在家裡,愛麗絲餵養她飢餓的丈夫和驢。
At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys.
9. 半夜裡的某個時候,妻子把丈夫叫醒了。
Sometime in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband up.
10. \我丈夫是最糟糕的翻譜員,\她笑著說。
\My husband is the worst page turner,\ she laughed.
《丈夫》(สามี)是由Meetee Jareanpong執導,瓦凌通·帕哈甘、娜妮達·緹查希、亞歷山大·倫德爾、納瓦拉·翁瓦莎娜、佩蘇達·坑孔伽主演的愛情電視劇,於2013年11月27日在泰國首播。 該劇講述了千金大小姐拉斯卡(娜妮達·緹查希 飾)家族陷入危機,拉斯卡的母親(素恩素答·拉萬帕瑟 飾)決定嫁給一位中國富商,因此拉斯卡和富商的兩個兒子李特以及拉姆(亞歷山大·倫德爾 飾)相識,三人之間展開一場情感糾葛的故事。
名詞 man
1. 丈夫氣概
manliness; masculinity
名詞 husband
1. 丈夫的權利與義務
husbandly rights and duties