你的英文 你用英語怎麼說?
you pron.你;您;你們;你這個;你們這些;你的
one num.一;一個;一個人;唯一;同一個;單一;相同的;一體的;一歲;一個故事
常用 權威
1. 你媽媽
your mother
2. 任憑你挑選
choose whatever you like
3. 捂住你手裡的股票
hold your shares
4. 閻王要你三更走,誰能留你到五更
if the King of Hell decides you're to die at midnight, who dares to spare you till dawn?—when death comes, it will have no denial
1. 哈里,你應該注意你的言行舉止。
Harry, you should mind your manners.
2. 如果你總是對你的孩子失去冷靜。
If you consistently lose your cool with your kids.
3. 在你起跳的頂部,膝蓋靠近胸部。
At the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.
4. 你可能有機會發現生活的真正美。
You may have a chance to find the real beauty of life.
5. 雲護照會有你的名字,照片等等。
The cloud passport will have your name, photos and so on.
6. 你現在要寫一份組織比賽的提案。
You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest.
7. 你可以積極參與林地信託的專案。
You can take an active part in the Woodland Trust's project.
8. 是的,能讓你放慢速度的減速帶。
Yeah, speed bumps, those speed bumps that force you to slow down.
9. 我也想在八月四號去你家拜訪你。
I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August.
10. 下面社群的海報會告訴你怎麼做。
The following poster in the neighbourhood will tell you how to do it.
代詞 you[second person singular]
1. 你昨天怎麼沒有來?
Why didn't you come yesterday?
2. 你氣色不錯。
You look fine.
3. 你好!
Hello! / Hi! / How do you do? / How are you?
4. 你媽媽
your mother
代詞 you; one [referring to anyone]
1. 這種人你不能相信。
You can't trust a person like that.
2. 對陌生人你得當心。
You have to be careful with people you don't know.
3. 你不能在圖書館大聲說話。
One should not speak in a loud voice in the library.
代詞 [used coordinately with 我 or 他 in parallel structures to indicate several or many people behaving the same way]
1. 大家你看看我,我看看你,誰也不說話。
We kept looking at one another without saying a word.
2. 你一言,我一語
bandy words with one another; every tongue wags at once; everyone joins in the conversation
代詞 [second person plural]you
1. 你廠/隊/校
your factory/team/school