關閉的英文 關閉用英語怎麼說?
shut v.關;關閉;關上;封閉;合上;安靜;合攏;禁止通行;別說話;把…關在
close adj.近的;接近的;靠近的;直系(尤指父母;兄弟姐妹)的;密切的;周全的;潮溼的;氣悶的;接近;緊密的
close down 關閉, 停業;停止播放
shut down 停業;關閉
常用 權威
1. 關閉報紙
close down a newspaper
2. 關閉場地
close off an area
3. 關閉小煤窯
shut down small coalpits
4. 關閉企業
close an enterprise
5. 關閉商店
close down a shop
6. 關閉市場
close a market
7. 關閉文件
close a document
8. 關閉檔案
close a document
9. 關閉域名
shut down a domain name
10. 關閉工廠
close a factory
11. 關閉運河
close a canal
12. 關閉礦山
shut down a mine
1. 然而,遊客將在關閉
However, visitors will be compensated during the closure.
2. 華盛頓大都會地區的連鎖店均不關閉。
None of the chain's stores in the Washington metropolitan area are to be closed.
3. 它關閉了與利比亞的兩個穿越邊境點。
It shut down two border crossings with Libya.
4. 一些危險的海灘應該關閉。
Some dangerous beaches should be shut down.
5. 有時貓會透過踩下關閉開關來關閉電腦。
Sometimes cats will shut down the computers by walking onto the off switch.
6. 紐約州計劃關閉尼亞加拉瀑布雷鳴般的水域。
New York State plans to shut off the thundering waters of Niagara Falls - gain.
7. 所以,當您不需要使用空調時,請關閉空調。
So turn off the air conditioner (空調) when you don't need to use it.
8. 海灘將在6月至9月期間關閉,讓珊瑚重煥生機。
The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come back to life.
9. 表親們,人類的行為正在關閉我們所有發現的視窗。
Cousins, the actions of humans are closing the window on all we have discovered.
10. 她說除非生意好轉,否則她將不得不關閉這家餐館。
She says that she'll have to close the restaurant unless business improves.
關閉(guān bì),漢語詞語,意為合攏,使開著的物體合攏,一般用作形容詞或動詞。
動詞 shut; close
1. 屋子的門窗緊緊關閉著。
The door and windows was firmly shut.
2. 關閉機場/港口
close an airport/a port
3. 關閉工廠
close a factory
動詞 close/shut (down)
1. 他關閉了工廠,搬走了。
He closed/shut (down) his factory and moved away.
2. 關閉公司
close/shut down a firm
3. 關閉報紙
close down a newspaper