善良的英文 善良用英語怎麼說?
kind-hearted adj.好心的;有同情心的
常用 權威
1. 稟性善良
be kind by nature
2. 本性善良
be kind by nature
3. 素性善良
be kind by nature
4. 誠實善良
be honest and kindhearted
5. 淳樸善良
honest and kind-hearted
6. 秉賦母親的善良
inherit one's mother's kind-heartedness
7. 善良與邪惡的較量
battle between good and evil
1. 她也很善良,因為她很關心我們。
She is also kind because she cares much about us.
2. 放了關愛和善良的水不僅僅是水。
The water which has been put in loving and kindness is not simply water.
3. 白雪公主是一個好看又善良的女孩。
Snow White is a good-looking and kind-hearted girl.
4. 他們相信社群中的善良和互幫互助。
They believed in goodness in community and helping one another.
5. 友誼和善良是相輔相成的。
Friendship and kindness go hand in hand.
6. 陛下,他是一個好國王,一個善良的人。
He is a good king, your Majesty, and a kind man.
7. 傑克是一個成功的商人,因為他善良誠實。
Jack is a successful businessman because he is kind and honest.
8. 傑克喜歡和那些外向、善良的同學在一起。
Jack likes being with the classmates who are outgoing and kind.
9. 買家是溫柔和善良的。
The buyer is gentle and kind.
10. 我認為比爾的善良和關心一定來自某個地方。
I thought that Bill's kindness and caring must come from somewhere.
善良(拼音:shàn liáng),漢語詞語,本義是心地純潔,純真溫厚,沒有惡意,和善,心地好;亦指和善而不懷惡意的人。出自《禮記·學記》。
形詞 good and honest; kind-hearted
1. 她心地非常善良。
She is very kind-hearted.
2. 善良的願望
good intention/will; best of intention
3. 善良的人們
good and honest people; people of goodwill
4. 本性善良
be kind by nature