爬的英文 爬用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-03-24


crawl v.爬;爬行;匍匐行進;爬滿;擠滿;爬動;緩慢行進;用爬式(或自由式)游泳;卑躬屈膝;諂媚奉承

creep v.躡手躡腳地行走;悄悄地行進;逐漸發生;不知不覺地出現;不可阻擋地緩緩來到;匍匐;蔓生;蠕變;緩慢而穩定地增長;對…卑躬屈膝

climb v.攀登;爬;費力爬進;上升;爬升;傾斜向上;沿(牆;樹;格架)攀緣向上;攀升

ascend v.登上;攀登;升起;上升;逆流而上;向上傾斜;提升;晉升

clamber v.艱難地爬入;移入;費力進

shin n.脛;脛部;小腿肉

shinny v.爬;攀

sit up 警覺;關注;突然激起興趣

get up 站起來;起床

常用 權威



1. 爬杆子

shinny up a pole

2. 爬斜坡

climb up an ascent

3. 爬出洞

crawl out of a hole

4. 爬起身來

clamber to one's feet

5. 爬過牆

clamber over a wall


1. 我們得越高,空氣就會越稀薄。

The higher we climbed, the thinner the air became.

2. 慌亂中,他到溝裡,平躺在地上。

In a panic, he scrambled (爬) to the ditch and lay flat on the ground.

3. 浣熊能得比貓高得多。

A raccoon can climb much higher than a cat.

4. 它一口氣了25樓。

It climbed 25 storeys at one go.

5. 在我看來,登頂不是乞力馬扎羅山最好的體驗。

The best of a Kilimanjaro experience, in my opinion, isn't reaching the top.

6. 最後,河馬決定從河裡出來,上樹,開始唱歌。

Finally, the hippo decided to come out of the river, climb the tree and start singing.

7. 他讓喬到頂上,這樣他就可以把船推到附近的一個島上。

He asked Joe to climb on top so that he could push the boat to a nearby island.

8. 我看到它一點一點地上牆。 它並沒有停止,而是一直在繼續。

I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit. It did not stop, but went on and on.

9. 終於有一天,我走出家門,讓一隻螞蟻到我的手上,輕輕地撫摸它。

Finally I went outside one day and let an ant move onto my hand and touched it gently.

10. 當我看到那堵牆時,我的心都沉了下去。我是最後一個試圖上那堵巨牆的人。

And my heart sank when I saw the wall I was the lastone to try to climb that huge wall.


爬(pá),漢語漢字,筆畫8畫,左右結構,字義是指手和腳一齊著地走路,蟲類行走;也指攀登;另指搔。組詞有爬行、爬蟲。 相關古文有“爬,搔也。”,出自《廣韻》。




動詞 crawl; creep

1. 一條蛇爬過小徑。

A snake crept across the path.

2. 她的孩子現在可以到處爬了。

Her baby is crawling about now.

3. 地板上爬滿了螞蟻。

The floor is crawling with ants.

4. 爬出洞

crawl out of a hole

動詞 climb; ascend; clamber; shin; shinny

1. 他一步一步爬上了領導崗位。

He worked his way to a leading post by degrees.

2. 他是個追求名利,一心向上爬的人。

He is an eager social climber, craving after fame and fortune.

3. 常春藤沿著牆往上爬。

Ivy creeps up the wall.

4. 爬上寶座

climb/ascend to the throne

5. 爬上房頂

climb/ascend to the top of the roof

6. 爬過牆

clamber over a wall

7. 爬梯子

ascend/climb/go up/scramble up/mount a ladder

8. 爬樹

climb a tree; shinny up a tree

9. 爬樓梯/山

climb stairs/a mountain

10. 爬上河岸

scramble up the river bank

11. 爬杆子

shinny up a pole

動詞 sit up; climb; get up; rise from one's bed

1. 從哪兒跌倒,就從哪兒爬起來。

Pick yourself up from where you fall.

2. 從床上爬起來

get out of bed; rise from one's bed

3. 爬起身來

clamber to one's feet

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