放棄的英文 放棄用英語怎麼說?
abandon v.不再撫養;遺棄;完全放棄;放縱於;沉湎於;離棄;丟棄;聽任(某人;某事物)處於;中止
give up 放棄
renounce v.宣告放棄;拋棄;棄絕;拒絕承認;拒絕遵守;宣佈退出;宣佈中止;拒絕使用;放棄
relinquish v.放棄;自願交出
常用 權威
1. 放棄目標
forgo one's aim
2. 放棄主權
give up sovereignty (over)
3. 放棄王位
give up the throne
4. 放棄所有權
disclaim ownership
5. 放棄發言權
forfeit the right to speak
6. 放棄搜尋
abandon one's search (for)
7. 放棄職權
forgo one's commission
8. 放棄表決權
abstain from voting
9. 輕易放棄
lightly abandon; give up easily
10. 放棄產權
renounce one's claim to property
11. 放棄議案
abandon a bill
12. 放棄專利
abandon a patent
13. 放棄職務
lay down one's office
14. 放棄暴力
renounce violence
15. 放棄榮譽
disclaim the credit
16. 放棄金本位
abandon the gold standard
17. 放棄陣地
relinquish a position;give up a position
18. 放棄原則
forsake the principle
19. 放棄學業
chuck up one's studies
20. 放棄夢想
surrender one's dream
1. 失敗者會失敗 99 次然後放棄。
The loser will fail 99 times and then give up.
2. 例如,他們可能會放棄困難的課程。
For instance, they may drop difficult coursework.
3. 他們導致一些鳥類放棄了遷徙。
They have led some birds to give up on migration.
4. 戴爾曾經放棄了上大學的機會。
Dale once gave up the chance to go to college.
5. 人們不願放棄自己的飲食習慣。
People's unwillingness to give up their eating habits.
6. 我會學會勇敢面對困難,永不放棄。
I will learn to face the difficulties bravely and never give up.
7. 張認為,\要麼嘗試,要麼放棄\。
\Give it a try, or give it up,\ Zhang believed.
8. 他們在研究中放棄了不相關的概念。
They throw out irrelevant concepts in their research.
9. 即使沒有支援,也不要放棄。
Never give up even if you have no support.
10. 他們放棄了在太空烘焙咖啡豆的嘗試。
They abandoned the attempt to roast coffee beans in space.
動詞 abandon; give up; renounce; relinquish
1. 她說服我放棄了原先的計劃。
She talked me out of my original plan.
2. 放棄宗教信仰
recant one's religion
3. 放棄專利
abandon a patent
4. 放棄職務
lay down one's office
5. 放棄陣地
relinquish a position
6. 放棄原則
forsake the principle
7. 放棄學業
chuck up one's studies
8. 放棄信仰
renounce/relinquish one's faith
9. 放棄希望
give up/abandon/relinquish one's hope
10. 放棄王位
abdicate/renounce the throne
11. 放棄所有權
disclaim ownership
12. 放棄權力/權利
relinquish power/one's right
13. 放棄夢想
surrender one's dream
14. 放棄理想
desert/abandon one's ideal
15. 放棄繼承權/特權
waive one's inheritance/privilege
16. 放棄機會
throw away the chance; forgo the opportunity
17. 放棄國籍
divest oneself of one's nationality; renounce one's nationality
18. 放棄發言權
forfeit the right to speak
19. 放棄鬥爭
relinquish one's struggle
20. 放棄出國的打算
cast off/give up the idea of going abroad
21. 放棄財產
relinquish one's possessions
22. 放棄表決權
abstain from voting
23. 放棄暴力
renounce violence