嘴的英文 嘴用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-09


mouth n.嘴;口;入口;口腔;入海口;槍口;出言不遜;馬口;口感

food n.食物;食品

talk v.談話;交談;說話;談判;說服;議論;談心;商討;責備;徹底地討論

words n.單詞;話語;訊息;諾言;(word的複數)

tongue n.舌;舌頭;舌狀物;語言;鞋舌;火舌;榫舌;說話方式;岬

常用 權威



1. 撅起嘴

purse (up) one's lips

2. 嘴刻薄

have a bitter tongue

3. 揩嘴

wipe one's mouth

4. 龍頭嘴

bib nozzle

5. 噴氣嘴

blast/air nozzle

6. 插不上嘴

cannot get a word in

7. 鼓風嘴

air-blast nozzle

8. 吧嗒嘴

smack one's lips

9. 滴水嘴


10. 菸斗嘴

bit/mouthpiece of a smoking pipe

11. 嘴不乾淨

have a foul mouth

12. 鉤嘴鶥

scimitar babbler

13. 樂得合不上嘴

be all smiles at sth

14. 旋轉噴水嘴


15. 嘴頭兒上能說會道

be an eloquent speaker

16. 咂著嘴品茶

smack one's lips over tea

17. 堵住反對派的嘴

silence the opposition

18. 堵對手的嘴

gag one's opponent

19. 用賄賂堵住某人的嘴

stop sb's mouth with bribes


1. 你咳嗽時沒有捂住

You don't cover your mouth while coughing.

2. 成功的狗意識到微笑的和微笑的眼睛是一回事。

The successful dogs realized that a smiling mouth means the same thing as smiling eyes.

3. 同樣的規則也適用於憤怒的和憤怒的眼睛有相同的含義。

And the same rule applies to an angry mouth having the same meaning as angry eyes.

4. 鱷魚注意到了這一事故,於是俯衝下去,用它的大把它叼了上來。

The crocodile noticed the accident, so down he dived, and brought it up in his huge mouth.

5. 我本不想說,只是無意中說走了

I didn’t mean to say that; it just slipped out.

6. 她上不說,心裡卻十分惱恨。

She didn’t say anything but resented it dreadfully at heart.

7. 這事得找個穩的人商量一下。

We ought to talk it over with a man who can keep a secret.

8. 他上沒說什麼,心裡卻不以為然。

He thought otherwise although he said nothing against it.

9. 我打頭兒上直到心眼兒裡喜歡你。

I don’t just say that I like you. I really do like you.

10. 她上不說,可心裡偷著樂。

She said nothing, but felt happy at heart.



《嘴》是易白2013年創作長篇小說《逃兵》中的精彩篇章,出自小說中主人公易白對慕容曉雪說的一段話。因該段落文字較為經典而富有思想哲理,常被作為一篇獨立的文章來解讀。 《嘴》一文,以“嘴”為題,就現代人的生存狀態,以客觀角度為觀察,淋漓精緻地展現出身處不同社會階層、不同身份地位的不同生成狀態。《嘴》一文由於選題獨特、語句精煉、行文押韻、情節玄妙、富含哲理,多次被媒體轉發並作為寫作範本進行解讀分析。



名詞 mouth

1. 這話由他嘴裡說出來,聽起來不免奇怪。

It sounds strange in his mouth.

2. 歪嘴

wry mouth

3. 瓶嘴

mouth of a bottle

4. 茶壺嘴

spout of a tea-pot

5. 嘴上叼著煙

have a cigarette between one's lips

6. 嘴裡塞滿了食物

fill one's mouth with food to its full capacity

7. 張開嘴

open one's mouth

8. 咂著嘴品茶

smack one's lips over tea

9. 漱嘴

rinse one's mouth out

10. 樂得合不上嘴

be all smiles at sth

11. 撅起嘴

purse (up) one's lips

12. 閉上嘴

close/shut one's mouth

13. 一張嘴

a mouth

名詞 something like a mouth

1. 瓶嘴

mouth of a bottle

2. 茶壺嘴

spout of a tea-pot

名詞 food

1. 忌嘴

be/go on a diet

名詞 talk; words; tongue

1. 她的嘴一向不饒人。

It's typical of her to have a sharp tongue.

2. 嘴刻薄

have a bitter tongue

3. 嘴不乾淨

have a foul mouth

4. 堵某人的嘴

tie sb's tongue; stop/shut sb's mouth

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