疾病的英文 疾病用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-04



disease n.病;疾病;弊端;弊病

sickness n.生病;患病;噁心;嘔吐;某一特定疾病

illness n.疾病

ailment n.微恙;小疾

常用 權威 詞彙拓展



1. 新生兒疾病

neonatal disease

2. 治療疾病

treat a disease

3. 心理疾病

mental illness

4. 抵抗疾病

resist a disease

5. 幼兒疾病

infantile diseases

6. 頸動脈疾病

carotid disease

7. 引發疾病

cause diseases

8. 晚期疾病

terminal illness

9. 心身疾病

psychosomatic disease

10. 變性疾病

degenerative disease

11. 寄生性疾病

parasitic disease

12. 營養性疾病

nutritional disease

13. 醫治疾病

treat a disease

14. 祛除疾病

eradicate diseases

15. 小兒疾病

paediatric disease;paediatric disease

16. 胰腺疾病

pancreatic disease

17. 減輕疾病

alleviate a disease

18. 視神經疾病

optic nerve disease

19. 前列腺疾病

prostatic disorder

20. 疾病初發期

initial stage of a disease


1. 他們能夠更好地生存或處理疾病

They are better able to survive or handle disease.

2. 沙眼是一種可能使人失明的疾病

Trachoma is a kind of illness that may make people become blind.

3. 氣候變化會導致空氣汙染和疾病

Climate change will cause air pollution and diseases.

4. 它應該被視為一種遺傳性疾病

It should be regarded as a genetic disease.

5. 沒有足夠的證據能將其歸類為疾病

There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.

6. 他們正在降低糖誘導疾病的發病率。

They are reducing the incidence of sugar-induced diseases.

7. 引起各種自身免疫疾病的原因。

The cause of various auto-immune diseases.

8. 超重會增加患心臟疾病的風險。

Being overweight increases the risk of having a heart problem.

9. 一些疾病不可避免地導致他們的衰弱。

Some diseases inevitably lead to their decline.

10. 在美國,數千人過早地死於相關疾病

Thousands die prematurely in the U.S. as a result of related illnesses.



疾病是機體在一定病因的損害作用下,因自穩調節紊亂而發生的異常生命活動過程,並引發一系列代謝、功能、結構、空間、大小的變化,表現為症狀、體徵和行為的異常。其病原體包括病毒、立克次氏體、細菌、真菌、原蟲、蠕蟲、節肢動物等。醫學界研究表明, 疾病是因為一定的原因造成的生命存在的一種狀態,在這種狀態下,人體的形態和(或)功能發生一定的變化,正常的生命活動受到限制或破壞,或早或遲地表現出可覺察的症狀,這種狀態的結局可以是康復(恢復正常)或長期殘存,甚至導致死亡。



名詞 disease; sickness; illness; ailment

1. 這種疾病去年在該國很猖獗。

This disease raged through the country last year.

2. 這是一個疾病多發區。

This is an area prolific of disease.

3. 人們希望找到一種可以治療各種疾病的良藥。

People wish to find a cure for various diseases.

4. 與疾病作鬥爭

fight/combat a disease

5. 控制疾病的發生和蔓延

control the outbreak and spread of a disease

6. 致命的疾病

fatal/deadly disease

7. 嚴重的疾病

severe/serious disease

8. 難於根治/潛伏的疾病

ineradicable/insidious disease

9. 晚期疾病

terminal illness

10. 常見疾病

common disease/sickness/illness

11. 疾病初發期

initial stage of a disease

12. 疾病痊癒

get over an illness; recover from an illness

13. 疾病蔓延

disease spreads

14. 疾病叢生

be infested with all kinds of diseases

15. 滋生疾病

breed/germinate disease

16. 治療疾病

cure/treat a disease

17. 診斷疾病

diagnose an illness/a disease

18. 預防疾病

ward off/guard against/prevent a disease

19. 引起疾病

cause a disease; induce an illness

20. 消滅疾病

stamp out/wipe out/eradicate a disease

21. 減輕疾病

alleviate a disease

22. 感染疾病

catch/contract a disease; be infected with a disease

23. 抵抗疾病

resist a disease

24. 傳染疾病

transmit an illness (to sb); infect (sb) with a disease

25. 傳播/加重疾病

spread/aggravate a disease


1. 頭疼 headache [ˈhedeɪk]

2. 咳嗽 cough [kɒf]

3. 哮喘 asthma [ˈæsmə]

4. 昏迷 stupor [ˈstjuːpə]

5. 流感 flu [fluː]

6. 中毒 poisoning [ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ]

7. 肺炎 pneumonia [njuːˈməʊniə]

8. 胃炎 gastritis [ɡæˈstraɪtɪs]

9. 肝炎 hepatitis [ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs]

10. 痢疾 diarrhoea [ˌdaɪəˈrɪə]

11. 骨折 fracture [ˈfræktʃə]

12. 粉刺 acne [ˈækni]

13. 皮炎 dermatitis [ˌdəːməˈtaɪtɪs]

14. 扭傷 sprain [spreɪn]

15. 燙傷 scalding [ˈskɔːldɪŋ]

16. 擦傷 graze [ɡreɪz]

17. 劃傷 scratch [skrætʃ]

18. 淤傷 bruise [bruːz]
