票的英文 票用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-21


ticket n.票;券;車票;入場券;票證;證明;標籤;籤條;候選人名單;恰好的事情;所需的東西;… 人;…傢伙

invoice n.發票;賬單;票據

receipt n.收到;接到;處方;收據;發票;收入;進款

voucher n.優惠購物券;代金券;憑單;收據

stamp v.跺;用踩;在(表面;物體;檔案)上蓋印;貼郵票於;搗碎;壓碎;表現出;碾平;跺掉

vote n.投票結果;選舉結果;表決結果;投票;選舉;投票權;選舉權;表決權;表決;得票總數

ballot n.投票表決;選票;投票用紙;投票總數;抽籤決定

bank note 銀行票據;鈔票;票子

bill n.賬單;賬款;議案;節目單;鈔票;招貼;海報;傳單;喙;鳥嘴;岬;岬角;鉤鐮槍;(Bill)警方;警察

paper money n.紙幣

hostage n.人質

常用 權威



1. 行李票

luggage check

2. 無效票

invalid ballot;invalid ticket

3. 免費票

free ticket

4. 票匭

ballot box

5. 硬臥票

hard berth ticket

6. 優惠票

concessionary ticket

7. 通勤票

commuter's ticket

8. 客車票

bus ticket

9. 軟臥票

soft sleeper ticket

10. 加快票

express-train ticket

11. 直達票

through ticket

12. 特價票

special fare

13. 二等票

second-class ticket

14. 預訂兩張票

reserve two tickets (for)

15. 預訂的票

reserved ticket

16. 買張下鋪票

buy a lower berth ticket

17. 公共汽車票

bus ticket


1. 但是現在人們正在和紙質再見。

But now people are saying goodbye to paper tickets.

2. 我有幾張足球比賽的

I have some tickets for the football match.

3. 老人剪碎了男孩的

The old man cuts up the boy's tickets.

4. 她有一張多餘的

She has an extra ticket.

5. 這篇文章的主要目的是建議你預訂一張健身

The main purpose of the passage is to advise you to book a fitness ticket.

6. 如果你喜歡集郵、或明信片,來我們俱樂部吧!

If you like collecting stamps, tickets, or postcards, come to our club!

7. 今天本想回去,無奈沒買著

I had planned to go home today, but I wasn’t able to get a ticket.

8. 她訂了一張從西安到北京的上鋪

She has booked an upper berth on the train from Xi’an to Beijing.

9. 有些沒有的足球迷混進了體育場。

Some football fans sneaked into the stadium without tickets.

10. 的事好說,只要你真能來。

Ticket will not be a problem if you can come.


票(piào,ticket),注音ㄆ一ㄠˋ ㄆ一ㄠ,漢字。部首示部,11畫,上下結構。指人進入某一特定領域享受特定服務的資格憑證;古同“飄”,隨風擺動飛揚;量詞,相當於“批”。組詞“票友”“鈔票”。 《漢書·禮樂志》中有“票然逝”。




名詞 ticket

1. 憑票入場。

Admission by ticket only. / Entrance to the theatre is by ticket only.

2. 直達票

through ticket

3. 預訂的票

reserved ticket

4. 學生票

student (special/reduced fare) ticket

5. 特價票

special fare

6. 全價票

full-rate ticket; full fare; full-fare ticket

7. 免費票

free ticket

8. 聯票

coupon tickets

9. 減價票

reduced/concessionary fare

10. 火車票

train/railroad ticket

11. 公共汽車票

bus ticket

12. 飛機票

plane/air ticket

13. 電影票

movie/cinema ticket

14. 單程票

single ticket; one-way fare/ticket

15. 半票

half-price ticket; half fare

16. 軋票

snip/clip tickets

17. 逃票

dodge/evade a ticket; steal a ride; stow away

18. 售/賣票

sell tickets

19. 收票

collect a ticket

20. 買票

buy/get a ticket (for)

21. 訂票

book a ticket

22. 炒/倒票

scalp tickets

23. 查/檢票

examine/check a ticket

24. 20張票

20 tickets

名詞 invoice; receipt; voucher; stamp

名詞 vote; ballot

名詞 bank note; bill; paper money

名詞 hostage; person held for ransom by kidnappers

量詞 null

名詞 amateur performance (of Beijing opera, etc ); amateur theatricals

動詞 perform as an amateur (in Beijing opera)

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