輪船的英文 輪船用英語怎麼說?
steamer n.汽船;蒸鍋;蒸籠;溼式潛水服;蒸汽機車;蒸汽熨斗
steamboat n.汽船
steamship n.汽船;輪船
常用 權威
1. 明輪船
paddle-boat; paddle-steamer; side-wheeler
2. 遠洋輪船
ocean-going steamer
3. 乘輪船
take a steamer
4. 租輪船
charter a steamer
5. 遇難的輪船
stricken ship
6. 輪船客運班期
passenger ship timetable
7. 搭輪船到上海
arrive in Shanghai by ship
8. 一艘外觀漂亮的輪船
a ship of pleasing appearance
9. 確定輪船的確切位置
pinpoint a ship's exact locality
1. 我們的輪船五點起航,別來晚了。
Our ship leaves at 5. Don’t be late.
2. 輪船在洶湧的波濤中艱難地航行。
The ship laboured through the tough seas.
3. 天氣十分惡劣,輪船被迫靠岸。
The ship was driven ashore by the bad weather.
4. 離港時輪船發生了碰撞事件。
The boat fouled on leaving harbour.
5. 這艘輪船在波濤洶湧的大海上顛簸搖晃。
The steamer pitched/heaved and rolled in the rough sea.
6. 輪船開足馬力,全速前進。
The ship was moving full steam ahead.
7. 輪船在非洲海岸失事了。
The ship was wrecked off the coast of Africa.
8. 輪船逐漸隱沒在黑暗中。
The ship melted into the darkness.
9. 輪船在離岸處拋錨停航。
The ship dropped anchor/lowed the anchor offshore.
10. 這條輪船有兩千個船位。
The steamer has berthing accommodations for 2,000 passengers.
名詞 steamer; steamboat; steamship
1. 這艘輪船在波濤洶湧的大海上顛簸搖晃。
The steamer pitched/heaved and rolled in the rough sea.
2. 遠洋輪船
ocean-going steamer
3. 輪船靠岸/出海
a steamer puts in/out
4. 租輪船
charter a steamer
5. 裝/卸輪船
load/unload a steamer
6. 登上輪船
board a steamer; go aboard a steamer
7. 乘輪船
take a steamer