採訪的英文 採訪用英語怎麼說?
interview n.接見;會見;採訪;面試;訪談;口試;審問
常用 權威
1. 採訪證
press card
2. 隱性採訪
covert coverage
3. 錄音採訪
recorded interview
4. 拒絕採訪
refuse an interview with sb
5. 進行採訪
conduct an interview
6. 採訪新聞
gather news; cover a story
7. 跟蹤採訪
follow-through interview
8. 採訪人員
correspondent; reporter; journalist
9. 新聞採訪
news gathering; news interview
10. 電視採訪
television interview
11. 記者採訪
press interview
12. 電話採訪
telephone interview;have a telephone interview (with);telephone interview
13. 接受記者採訪
be interviewed by reporters;be in a press interview
14. 對名人進行電視採訪
interview a celebrity on television
1. 下週我們將採訪這位著名作家。
We are going to interview the famous writer next week.
2. 他們採訪了沒有說謝謝的人。
They interviewed people who didn't say thank you.
3. 女兒出生三週後,她的母親接受了採訪。
Her mother was interviewed, three weeks after her daughter's birth.
4. 至於該組織本身,它拒絕了採訪的請求。
As for the organization itself, it declined a request for an interview.
5. Pyle採訪的一些士兵在電影中扮演自己。
Some of the soldiers Pyle interviewed portrayed themselves in the film.
6. 毛主席在1938年接受德國記者採訪時說。
Chairman Mao said during the interview with a German reporter in 1938.
7. 他們想象著自己光明的未來,但沒有任何採訪。
They were imagining their bright future, but there was no interview.
8. 現在你讓我重新思考我將在採訪中透露的內容。
Now you've got me rethinking what I'll disclose in the interview.
9. 科斯特在本週的一次採訪中談論《悉尼先驅晨報》。
Koster told the Sydney Morning Herald this week during an interview.
10. 10歲的邁克正在接受電視採訪,談論他自己的烹飪。
10-year-old Mike is being interviewed on TV about his own cooking.
《採訪》(The Interview)是由索尼影視娛樂有限公司製作,埃文·戈德堡、塞斯·羅根聯合執導,詹姆斯·弗蘭科、麗茲·卡潘、塞斯·羅根等主演的動作喜劇電影,於2014年12月25日在美國上映。 該片講述了《今夜胡鬧秀》的主持人和製作人一起去朝鮮採訪金正恩的故事。 截至2014年12月25日,該片在美國上映首日票房突破百萬美元,位列美國電影聖誕票房榜第15名;影片最終票房610萬美元。
採訪,拼音是cǎi fǎng,指採集尋訪。是新聞界詞彙,即記者為取得新聞材料而進行觀察、調查、訪問、記錄、攝影、錄音、錄影等活動。是一種媒體資訊的採集和收集方式,通常透過記者和被獲取資訊的物件面對面交流。
動詞 interview; cover (news); gather material/news
1. 他主要負責採訪國際新聞。
He mainly covers international affairs.
2. 記者採訪
press interview
3. 電視採訪
television/TV interview
4. 電話採訪
telephone interview
5. 拒絕採訪
refuse an interview with sb
6. 進行採訪
conduct an interview
7. 接受採訪
allow an interview (with sb); give/grant an interview (to sb)
8. 採訪新聞
gather news; cover a story
9. 採訪名人
interview a VIP/celebrity
10. 採訪會議/大選/冬奧會
cover a conference/a general election/the winter Olympics
動詞 hunt for and collect
1. 圖書採訪工作
work of finding and collecting books for libraries