紅包的英文 紅包用英語怎麼說?
bribe v.向…行賄;賄賂;收買;買通
kickback n.反衝;後坐力;回扣
常用 權威
1. 搶紅包
grab a red envelope
2. 微信紅包
WeChat red envelope
1. 所以,紅包總是雙手奉上,雙手接過。
Therefore, red packets are always presented and received with both hands.
2. 紅包裡的錢應該總是新的。
The money inside a red packet should always be new.
3. 這就是為什麼在中國新年和其他慶祝活動中使用紅包的原因。
That is why red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.
4. 我叔叔給了我這個紅包和壓歲錢。
I got this red packet with gift money from my uncle.
5. 醫生給病人動手術可以收紅包嗎?
Can doctors accept red bonus when they perform operations on patients?
6. 代表好運的紅包是送給孩子們的.
Red envelopes that represent good luck are given to children.
7. 在春節裡,給紅包是一個傳統.
Giving red envelopes is a Chinese tradition for certain festive occasions.
8. 最近她拿著聖誕發的紅包瘋狂購物.
She recently went on a huge shopping spree with her Christmas bonus.
9. 我看到的是紅包,聽到的是爆竹聲。
All i see is the red paper envelop, all i hear is the crack.
10. 對了,我今年還收得到紅包,你呢。
I got gift money this year, how about u?
紅包(Red envelope),也叫紅封包、利是,是由紅色封套製成的一種小型禮品,常見於中國傳統習俗與漢字文化圈背景下的各種慶祝活動,包括新春、婚禮、生辰等場合,其顏色在中華文化裡代表“喜慶”之意。自明清時期出現包裹銅板的作法(是為壓歲錢),並逐漸演變成將金錢放置於紅包袋內的一種現代禮金形式。
名詞 red packet/envelope [money wrapped in red paper or cloth given as a gift at a Chinese wedding]
1. 發紅包
(of the parents) give red envelope to the bride and groom; (of the bride and groom) give a red envelope to unmarried younger relatives
名詞 red packet/envelope [money wrapped in red paper or cloth given to children as a Chinese New Year gift]
1. 給/發紅包
give a red envelope as a Chinese New Year gift to younger relatives
名詞 red packet/envelope [money put in red paper bags and given to workers or staff members as bonus in an enterprise]
1. 微信紅包
WeChat red envelope
2. 電子/虛擬紅包
digital/virtual red envelope
3. 搶紅包
grab a red envelope
4. 發紅包
give out money as a bonus to employees
名詞 bribe; kickback; red envelope
1. 索取紅包
(of a doctor) require a red envelope from a patient; require a red envelope from a drug or device company
2. 塞紅包
give sb money as a bribe; (of a patient) pass a red envelope (to a doctor)
3. 收取紅包
(of a doctor) receive a kickback; take an envelope of cash